43. Just Let Me Go

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43Just Let Me Go

Time flew by
Burying the memories of goodbye.
Yet you couldn't forget me.
I am begging you, just let go of me.

Why do you still have my photograph with you?
Tear it into pieces
Burn it in fire
Do anything you can
But just let go of me.

Why don't you understand?
I left you not because I wanted to.
Even hell knows how much I yearn
for your love.
I left you because I had to.
Then why, why do you want my sacrifice to go in vain?
Why don't you understand it's hard for me too?

I hate seeing you this way.
Please, don't make me the cause of your tears.
I wanted to be the cause of your happiness.
That's why I let you go
And that's why you have to let me go.

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