Chapter 46

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"Well you look sexy." Quinn smirked, looking me up and down.

"Thanks," I giggled,"I'm going out for a swim."

"Okay, I gotta meet my group at the lobby, but I'll walk you to the pool on my way there." she hooked her arm around my waste and kissed my temple.

Quinn pushed the button to the elevator, the doors opened and inside were these two hunched back old men.

Quinn frowned, the old men were ogling me up and down.

Ugh, why didn't I bring something to cover up?

The button to the first floor was already pushed, so I stood in the corner where the buttons were, while Quinn shielded me.

"Why didn't you bring a towel?" She murmured into my ear.

"They have towels down at the pool," I hissed back, pushing myself more into the corner of the elevator.

This is THE longest elevator ride, EVER.

I looked back to see if they were still starring, maybe they've seen how uncomfortable I am and-shit. I made eye contact.

"Aye sweetie, yah lookin for a sugar daddy?" he and his friend chuckled as the doors opened. They walked out first and one of them winked at me.

"Creeps," Quinn said under her breath. "Next time wear a towel."

"Oh so this is my fault?"

"No, it's not your fault. It's theirs, they should learn to respect, regardless of what you're wearing. But people can do things, ya know? Just... be careful...okay?"

"Okay," I stepped into her comforting embrace.

"Okay I gotta go."

"Nooooo, don't leave meeeee." I begged.


"Quinn." I looked up at her with big puppy eyes.

"Ugh, I'll walk you to the pool, deal?"


Once outside near the edge of the pool I ran and yelled," CANNONBALLLLL." Hoping to make a big splash, so Quinn could get wet.

"Were you trying to get me wet?" she laughed, not a single drop of water on her.

"Come kiss me, good bye."

Hesitantly she walked towards the edge of the pool. When she got close enough I started splashing. Making her shriek and retreat.

"Okay I'm done playing, come kiss me good bye."

"Haha I don't think so, you're gonna try and get me wet again."

"Quinnnnnn." I pleaded, with puppy dog eyes.

"No, you can get me wet later." she winked.

"Ugh," I sunk into the bottom of the pool. The water feels nice. I pushed off the bottom to resurface. I held on to the wall and rested my arms and head of the edge, watching Quinn walk inside. The door opened and out walked Keisha, with her long braids trailing behind her and the sun shining on her perfect ebony skin. She has this perfect slim thick Kylie Jenner body, except I doubt she had the surgery. She was in this lavender cris-cross swim suit.

Quinn did a double take and eyed her up and down.

Wait...did she just check her out. No I'm just being paranoid. It's nothing.

But didn't Keisha, wink at her?

No, no she didn't. Again, I'm just being paranoid.

It's not that Keisha has a perfect body, there's no such thing as a perfect body. It's just that Keisha has that one "ideal" body type that social media makes us think is perfect. It's the body type that we're told to be attracted to or strive for.

I hate her for it.

I don't hate her. I shouldn't hate her. If Quinn didn't cheat on me with her, we'd probably be friends. I just really envy her. She's beautiful.

Quinn clearly was attracted to her. Sometimes I think Quinn cheated because I wasn't enough for her. Maybe I wasn't pretty enough. Maybe my body wasn't sexy enough. Maybe the way I act isn't attractive. Maybe Keisha was enough.

"Hey, Devin." Riley took my attention away from my thoughts.

"Hey Riley," I bit my lip. The last few times we talked things didn't end on a good note.

"How's life?" she came to perch on the edge of the pool with me.

"It's okay." I shrugged," How about you?"

"Same as you. "she sighed.

"Hey Xander!" Riley waved at this tall, blonde guy.

"Hey didn't you try to fight him on the first day of camp?"

"Yup, we kept in touch afterwards, plus he's Israel's best friend."

"Cool, where's Israel?"

"He's shopping."

"Hey guys!" Xander hopped into the pool with us. "How y'all doing?"

"Good." we both mumbled back.

"Ah he's soooo cute." Xander said nodding at James Fey. Who was walking around shirtless in his swimming trunks. I guess I can see why Xander would find him attractive.

"Yeah don't tell Israel, but he's HOT." Riley smirked.

"What do you think Devin?"

"Eh, he's not my type."

"Lesbian." Riley mouthed to him.

"Oh okay."

They kept on fan girling over James while I spaced off, until I noticed an extremely sun burnt red head approaching James.

"Look she's flirting with my man," Xander whined.

"Aren't you like 5 years apart?"

"Yeah, so?" someone called Xander over, and it was just Riley and I again.

"Wanna go tease Page?"

I smiled, "Sure."

We walked up to them, but instead of the flirty conversation we expected to walk into James rose his voice, "JUST TAKE CARE OF IT."

Seeing us, he nodded and walked away.

"Trouble in paradise?"

"Aha, not quite."

"What does he want you to take care of?"

"Erm, Agath- actually I could use your help." she smiled.

"Really?" we both said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I know I said stay out of it...but just this once I'm gonna need your help."

"Okay, what do you want us to do?"

"I need to sneak into Agatha's office. I need to look for some papers, numbers, I don't know. Anything that could help us prove she's the reason behind the camp's ashes."

"Oh okay, do you want is to help you look?"

"No, I just need you to distract Agatha for like 10 minutes."

We headed inside to Agatha's office. Page knocked on the door, when there was no answer she snuck in.

Riley and I stood outside on guard, and if Agatha comes, we'll lure her away.

"Niet I don't like it, I vill lose money from zat."


"Niet, I refuse. I like my money and ze more I have ze better. Now go back and tell him I vill niet longer pay for his charrity."

Agatha turned the corner and saw us,"Childrren..." she sneered. "Vat do you vant?"

"AGATHA!" I said a little too enthusiastically," You see...the thing is..."

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