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"We have to plan this thing through

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"We have to plan this thing through." Namjoon suddenly broke the comfortable silence. "Jimin, Kara needs to know what we're doing so that she isn't confused when it's auction time."

"Right." Jimin briefly raised his brows, before turning to Kara with a light sigh. "Listen closely because I hate repeating myself, alright?"

Kara glared at him.

"Good." Jimin nodded his head, and continued to speak about the plan. "Let me give you the history lecture first. So, every five years, an auction is put together here in Paris. Only the richest people are welcome to it."

"So how do you think you're getting in?" She raised her brows.

"I'm getting to that darling, just stay quiet." Jimin placed his finger on her lips. "As I was just saying, only the wealthiest people are invited, right? That doesn't mean you can't get in without an invite."


"Every person attending is allowed three guests, at the most." Namjoon interjected as he joined the conversation.

"Yeah, and we've already got a guy in there that got us all hooked up." Jimin placed his arm around her shoulder. "Well, he doesn't know about you yet."

"So, are you buying something?" Kara glanced up at Jimin, whose arm was still sitting there. He looked at her and smirked.

Kara squinted her eyes as they pierced through his devious ones. Namjoon was busy explaining things to himself. It was too bad, none of them listened.

"So yeah, that's why we're going." He pursed his lips into a tiny smile that showed off his dimples.

"Could you repeat the last part again?" Kara tried to kindly say, without exposing Jimin for distracting her.

"When Jimin's great grandfather passed away, he left behind some of his most valuable possessions and I guess no one bothered to check what was in that box, until this one did." Namjoon pointed to Jimin.

"He left this behind." Jimin grabbed the necklace from its case and held it up. "It's made from blue diamond. This thing is worth millions."

Kara's eyes brightened as she glanced at the blue stone. It was the most beautiful piece, she's ever seen. Just as she lifted her hand, Jimin pulled it back, and snickered. "I still don't trust you, little thief."

"I just wanted to see it." She crossed her arms. "I'm not gonna steal it. I promised, remember?"

"Yeah, I also remember that time when you told me you didn't know English." Jimin narrowed his eyes.

"Those were good times." Kara sighed as she gave him a light smile "So, is that the key?" She pointed her finger at the floor before looking up at Jimin.

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