𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Comment & Vote for a hug. A virtual hug... Don't act like you don't want one. cOmE hErE biTch

"Jimin, hit the brake!" Namjoon yelled.

"Eye eye captain—ow!" Jimin shouted after a water bottle hit his head. He pressed his hand against the brake, slowly applying more pressure. Kara jumped over him as she grabbed onto the wheel. Her eyes widened once she saw a giant tourist bus crossing the road.

"Hold on guys!" Kara wanted them, as the turn was about to be one hell of a mess. "There's a tourist bus ahead of us and it's not gonna be pretty!"

"Hey." Jimin causally started a conversation while still upside down. "Why did the tourist bus cross the road?"

"Not now Jimin." Kara rolled her eyes as she focused on the road ahead of her.

"To pick up the chicken on the other side—"

"Hit the brake, now!" She yelled and Jimin quickly slammed his hands on the brake, while Kara turned the wheel to avoid a collision. The three of them screamed as the car drifted towards a hill.

The car decided to bless them that day, and broke down just as they were near the low railing.

Kara peaked through his fingers as the other two were still screaming. She tapped on Namjoon's shoulder, and he jumped back. "Oh my god, we're alive!"

"Amen to that." She chuckled, and looked down at Jimin who was struggling to get right side up.

He blew a strand of hair from his face and stared at her with widened eyes. "WHAT THE FUCK KARA. I SAID TO PICK UP THE CHICKEN ON THE OTHER SIDE, NOT TO FUCKING RUN IT OVER."

"Let's just all calm down, and safely get out of the car." Namjoon, the intellect who was also screaming like a little girl two seconds ago, suggested.

Kara and Jimin grabbed onto the arms of the driver and pulled him out of the car. They laid him on the grass and observed the damage they've made.

Kara and Namjoon crossed their arms as they glared at Jimin.

"Jesus, I'll buy him a new one." He scoffed.

"Oh that's great, while you're at it, can you buy him a NEW LIFE TOO?!" Namjoon yelled.

"Oh come on, he's fine!" Jimin knelt to the ground and checked the man's pulse. He innocently looked up at Kara and Namjoon. "Is there a certain pattern I should be looking for?"

"Move!" Kara shoved him out the way. "Namjoon call the police. Jimin, go stand in a corner."

"There are no corners!" Jimin argued.

The man's eyes suddenly came to life, scaring the living hell out of Kara. "Guys, he's alive!" She said, and they all gathered beside him.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Jimin asked.

"You tell me?" The man grumbled as he held up his middle finger.

"Sorry, I don't have my glasses on right now." Jimin scratched his head.

"Sir, are you okay?" Kara worriedly asked as she helped him up. "You kind of passed out, and we had no choice but to take over from there."

"Oh I remember." The older man scratched his beard. "Little miss kicker whacked me right in the head." He looked over to Jimin.

"Hey that's mister to you!" He argued. "And you should be glad I kicked you. Do you know how much this shoe is worth?" Jimin lifted his leg, before being tackled by the man.

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