𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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Jimin and Kara woke up like Kings and Queens that morning. The blinding sun beamed through all the glass windows, leaving the room with a bright and cheerful atmosphere. Kara tried turning to her side and lowered her brows when something was in her way. She lazily glanced over her shoulder and softly chuckled when she saw Jimin clinging to her arm.

"Good morning Mister and Misses—" The servant's lips parted as he furrowed his brows.

"Gosh!" Kara quickly pulled the covers over her body, and quickly grabbed her shirt. "Don't you people know it's common curtesy to knock?"

"My apologies miss." The man averted his eyes away until she finished changed. "Your friend Mister Kim let me inside."

"Of course he did." Kara blew a strand of hair out of her face.

"Miss, if I could just ask..." The servant gulped as he looked over at Jimin. "I-I see you two have made up from your argument last night."

Kara's eyes slightly widened as all the memories came back to her mind. It took her briefly three second to come up with a decent plan. "Oh my goodness! Get out of me bed you creep!" Kara shoved him off the bed, and covered her mouth as she heard a loud groan.

"Sorry." She whispered to the confused boy as she leaned off the bed. "How could you sneak into my bed without me knowing!"

"W-Wha?" He ruffled his already messed up hair, and scrunched his nose. "I thought you weren't into that roleplay shit?"

Kara's pupils grew as she nervously laughed at the confused servant. "Excuse us for one second." She smiled, before leaning down to grab his shoulders.

"Listen to me Jimin." She roughly shook him as he began to yawn. "We don't like each other anymore. Please tell me you remember last night. Our plan?"

"Yeah..." Jimin rolled his eyes and lifted himself off the floor. "Just give me a damn warning before you throw me to the fucking ground. What are you? A sumo wrestler?"

"Just get dressed." Kara got out of bed, and walked towards her wardrobe.

"Dressed for what?" Jimin yawned again, stretching his arms out.

"We're leaving." She looked over her shoulder to make sure he was listening. Jimin furrowed his brows and stood beside her.

"And why are we leaving, exactly?" He licked his lips after speaking.

"They're not gonna buy this whole meltdown show we put on last night." She said while packing her bags. "I'm sure they'll find out sooner or later."

Jimin watched Kara as she threw her things into a small duffel bag. He placed his right hand onto her waist and was quickly met with her glistening eyes.

"Where do you wanna go?" He whispered, rather delicately while gently pulling her hair back. Kara wanted to answer, but her focus was only on his touch. She closed her eyes once his lips met her neck. His kisses as gentle as a feather.

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