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^ Jimin after realizing he's now a multimillionaire


"Bonjour Mademoiselle." An employee greeted Kara as she stepped into the store.

"Do you mind getting me that blue coat right over there." Jimin interrupted them. "I'll pay you a little something something." He winked while handing her a 100 dollar bill. The woman gasped as she grabbed the money and rushed towards the coat.

Kara's eyes went wide as she grabbed Jimin by his shoulders. "Just because you have money, doesn't mean you have to start randomly paying people to do things that they'd do for free." She tried her best to explain.

"Yeah, you're right." Jimin sighed, before handing her five hundred dollars. "Now go buy something nice." He harshly kissed her cheek, and ran off to find Namjoon.

Kara rolled her eyes as she watched him leave. She looked down at the money in her hands and sighed.

"Are you finding everything okay Mademoiselle?" A different employee asked. Kara glanced at him with a faint smile and gave him a nod. She turned around, nearly slamming into another person. "I'm s-sorry."

Kara's heart quickened as desperately searched the crowded clothing store for Jimin. She wasn't used to being around this many people, especially not stores like this. In her mind, everyone that looked at her, was thinking that she was a thief.

Her breathing was heavy as she endlessly spun around, not knowing where to go or how to move in the huge crowd of people. Tears began to fall against her cheek, when two hands grabbed her shoulders from behind.

Kara jumped, as she nearly had a heart attach. She looked behind her, and her face brightened as soon as she saw Jimin.

"Hey, I've been looking all over f—"

Jimin raised his brows when Kara suddenly fell into his arms, holding him as tightly as she could. Jimin moved his hands to her back as he hugged her tight.

"You okay?" He softly mumbled against her skin, and she nodded. Kara lifted her head from Jimin's shoulder and nodded again. "I'm okay. I just got overwhelmed and thought I lost you guys."

"It's crowded, isn't it." Jimin agreed as he scratched his head, disappointed that he left Kara alone in the first place. "Let's go somewhere with less people."

Kara's shoulders relaxed when Jimin grabbed her hand. He pulled her outside the store and past the crowd of people.

"What about Namjoon?" Kara lowered her brows as she looked over her shoulder.

"Don't worry about him." Jimin shrugged. "I gave him 5,000 dollars to spend on himself. I'm sure he won't be leaving that store anytime soon."

Kara couldn't help but laugh, while she rolled her eyes. "So, you're basically just winning people over with money now?"

Jimin stopped in his tracks as he grabbed both her shoulders, and sighed. "Money can't buy happiness Kara."

"—but it can buy us two nights at the fanciest resort in Paris, let's go!"

"Jimin!" Kara pulled him by his arm, and gave him a look that let him know he was insane. "You're about to go into Four Seasons hotel! Do you even realize how much one night costs?!"

"The only thing it'll cost is your virginity, now shut your cute little mouth, and follow me." He smirked, and pushed the glass door open. Kara's eyes brightened as she glanced around the elegant lobby.

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