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itsjaykim: hi jae!! sorry i was freaking out like you said bc you said i'm your most special fan and wdYM confess my feelings?? um what feelings would i have for you other than the normal feelings of adoration that fans have for their idols!!

itsjaykim: and uM totally freaked out even more when you said "you're mine" like do you even know that there's more than one interpretation to that?? and me being me, i totally read it as the other interpretation which i'm sure you didn't mean

itsjaykim: even hani interpreted it that way when i told her about it omg she once said "i bet he likes ya" like i'm sure you don't bc i'm just a normal girl and you're like this famous idol who can't be seen with commoners like me :(

Jae_Day6: woah jay, you gotta learn to chill, although i do enjoy the fact that you freak out over me ;) oh i totally meant it when i said you're mine btw, i'm not sharing you with other idols, not even my own bandmates. i'm a jealous idol, what can i say? and why can't i be seen with "commoners like you", you're far from being a commoner anyway, and i would love to be seen hanging out with you someday, maybe in 6 days during the fanmeet? i can't wait for it to come, i'm even excited for it yknow. please tell me you're still coming for it *puppy eyes*

itsjaykim: omg..... i'm trying so hard not to freak out again bc damn you're so sweet, you would make a great boyfriend to some lucky girl out there someday. i'm still coming of course, a chance to see my idol for free? i wouldn't miss it for the world! also cos i still have to surprise you, but i hope you aren't expecting too much cos i'll disappoint. AHHHH can't wait to see u and the rest of day6 in 6 days!! omg do u see what i did there, i'm quite funny #JaeIsFunnyButJayIsFunnier

{a/n: i'm sorry this chapter may be a little disappointing bc i wrote it in like 5 mins and its like 2am where i am now (i always update after midnight (my time) but i brought the terrible hashtags back HAHA ok but for real i think i made jae the sweetest guy ever, he's so protective of her lmao ded anyway i'll try to update everyday bc i just want to write the fanmeet chapter already I'M SO EXCITED sorry my dear readers for putting you through another 6 chapters of torture before we get to the good part, pls dont hate me bc i love u guys thanks for reading!}

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