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{a/n: hi guys i'm back after a long hiatus! this chapter is dedicated to maybe

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{a/n: hi guys i'm back after a long hiatus! this chapter is dedicated to maybe.ilysia on instagram (sorry idk your wattpad name) for messaging me while i was on hiatus and giving me motivation to update, and Day6Jae6 for dming me while i was literally writing this chapter (the telepathy is real we're officially friends)!! the author's note is at the start of this chapter bc i wanted to give y'all some context for the pics in the media bar and above. so the pic in the media bar is um a selfie of me (i'm sorry i'm ugly as hell) but i wanted to show y'all the exact colour that jay's hair is supposed to be! the pic is in no way a representation of what jay looks like, so y'all can imagine who/how you want her to look like! and the pic above is her outfit. so remember when i asked you guys what his favorite color should be and y'all said yellow and blue? this was what i had in mind so i hope i didn't disappoint bc i was actually excited about this idea LOL anyway personally this chapter sucks bc i only did jay's pov since this chapter was long enough with only hers plus i don't know how to write a fanmeet bc the last time i attended a day6 concert was years ago and the main thing i remember about it was that i was hella nervous during the m&g so i wrote about jay being nervous A LOT sorry lmao but i hope you guys enjoy this chapter even though i'll admit i suck more at writing full chapters than i do at dms chapters, thanks for reading i love y'all!!}

jay's pov

"jay wake the hell up, we've got to get you ready and looking your best for the fanmeet later!!" hani shouted as she tried to shake me awake. i turned away from her, still half asleep and bleary-eyed, to check the time on my clock which indicated that it was 10am.

"oh shit it's already 10am, we only have 2 hours to get ready and travel there! shit hani HELP ME i'm completely freaking out" i jumped out of my bed, rubbing my eyes to wake myself up fully, and ran to my closet to pick out the clothes that i've planned, long ago, to wear for this day. hani walked up beside me and nodded at my choice of clothes, indicating her approval, before making me go and take a shower while she prepares everything else.

as i came out of the shower wearing the clothes i picked out, i noticed that hani has already laid out all of her makeup on my bed, ready to give me a makeover. i groaned inwardly as i sat down and blow-dried my hair while hani applied makeup on me, promising to make me the prettiest girl at the fanmeet. when she was done, i looked at myself in the mirror and did a double take. i looked different, in a good way.

"there, now you look ready to meet jae! he wouldn't even know what hit him, now let's leave otherwise we're going to be late!" hani smiled and dragged me out of the house.

once we arrived at the venue, we saw a long queue of fans waiting for day6 to come out, so we headed straight to the security guard like jae instructed and showed him my dms with jae. to mine and hani's surprise, he burst into a big smile, led us straight to the front of the crowd and told us to enjoy the fanmeet before walking back to his original position.

"i'm so nervous and excited that i could faint right now i swear" i whispered to hani, to which she replied "don't you dare faint here when you've been waiting to meet them for as long as we've been friends or i will slap some nerve into you!!!" i laughed at her statement because hani never fails to make me feel better, and at that moment, the boys came out singing Congratulations while all the fans starting screaming. i just cheered for them and enjoyed their performance since i felt a little bit too old to scream along with the other fans, plus i was still so nervous about whether jae would recognise me from my hair and my outfit which i picked according to his favorite colors.

once their performance ended, they started off by thanking everyone for coming to their fanmeet, when jae's eyes landed on me and we made eye contact. his eyes lit up and he smiled the widest smile i've ever seen on him, which of course made my inner fangirl squeal and melt into a puddle while he kept his eyes on me and continued talking.

after more talking and a few more performances, it was finally time for the meet and greet segment of the fanmeet, which was the last part of the fanmeet before it ended, and when it was my turn to meet them, i felt as if i could disappear into thin air because i was so nervous but i smiled and shook hands with the boys before reaching jae and pinching his cheeks because i said i would. he laughed as i did that and said that he really liked my hair. i went back to hani who was already backstage and fangirled so hard while waiting for them to be done with everything. i guess they succeeded in making hani a fan during this fanmeet because she really likes them now and she was gushing about how cute and talented they were while i just laughed and said "i can't believe i spent all these years trying to make you listen to their music and become a fan when all i had to do was drag you to a concert, what a waste of my time and effort"

i felt an arm slinging over my shoulder and the owner of that arm said "jay! did i just hear you say we're a waste of your time and effort? i'm so hurt" i smiled and turned to face a smiling jae, hugging and thanking him for inviting us here, while giving him the full context of what i said to hani. he laughed and officially introduced us to the other members as each of them shook our hands again while walking to their van.

"so you're the famous jay he keeps talking about"
"ah, same name girl!"
"i was beginning to wonder if you were a figment of his imagination"

i chucked at their comments and said "well, i don't know about famous but i'm definitely real, although right now i'm beginning to wonder if this whole meeting is a figment of my imagination because it's still so unreal to me"

as we got into their van and made our way to the cinema where hani's boyfriend was supposed to meet us to watch avengers endgame, the members continued talking to hani and i as if we were their friends, and there was never a moment of awkward silence between us. even as we sat in the cinema, jae was sitting next to me and held my hand throughout the entire movie. thank god the cinema was dark and everyone was focused on the movie because i was pretty sure i was blushing so hard. i also cried so hard at certain scenes of the movie, and i'm pretty sure my sobbing was super loud because jae reached over to wipe my tears off my face, and i swear my heart stopped beating for a moment. i'm surprised i actually managed to sit through the entire movie without dying or fainting in my seat because my inner fangirl was screaming and reminding me that jae, my idol for the longest time ever, was holding my hand in the cinema!!

hani, eli and i parted ways with the members after the movie, with the promise that we'd all meet up again when they're all free. jae hugged me again while the members were already walking away, before he suddenly pinched my cheeks and ran after them before i could react. i rubbed my cheeks and smiled as i watched him run away, before heading home with hani and eli.

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