Grocery P.2

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Previously on ~
Grocery P1


"Oooooo is this an interview about me!
Okay so we all know I'm world wide h-

No where here to tell you how you like working as in employee-



Taehyung: You mother fucking ass I told you to CLEAN THAT UP!"

Jin: why don't you since your already here

He casually walked away with his mirror leaving the boy with a headache.



"Okay look I have no fucking idea why the hell did Namjoon partner me up with Kim Seokjin like does he even now he's a little bitch


Jimin: heeeeey gorgeous

Jungkook: what the fuck? Why are you talking to yourself in the mirror?

Jimin: I need to practice okay!!
Heeeeeey how you doin?

Jungkook: Ugh you such a waste of my time!



Please someone get Jimin a doctor. ASAP
why assigning partners when I can do things myself! But nooo Mr. Kim Namjoon just wants us 'oh y'all need to work together because teamwork make the dream work' bla bla bla~

Just eW


Yoongi: were suppost to restock that you know

Hoseok: I know lil meow meow headasss

Yoongi: What did you just call me!


Yoongi: 나는 너의 말 얼굴을 찢어 버릴 것이다!!!!!!!

Yoongi: 나는 너의 말 얼굴을 찢어 버릴 것이다!!!!!!!

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Whatever that hoe had to say to me. The DISRESPECT! Lil meow meow headasss?? What the fuck!


Jungkook: Jimin look a customer she looks like she needs help

Jimin: I got this!

Jungkook: No way baby hands. Wait she coming towards us!

Jimin: let me act natural

Jimin: let me act natural

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GiRl: あなたはトイレがどこにあるか知っていますか???

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GiRl: あなたはトイレがどこにあるか知っていますか???

Jungkook: uhhhhhh- um
Psst Jimin what the fuck she saying I don't understand Japanese

Jimin: Don't worry I got this

Jimin: あなたの醜い太った雌犬

The girl gasped offended and slap him with her purse

Jimin: ow what the heck?

Jungkook: What the hell did you say!

Jimin: I don't know my Japanese isn't THAT GOOD OKAY



The slap hurts like a bitch. I'm innocent I don't know what was her problem.


Oh wait I think I called her bitch
Ah shit


Namjoon: Everyone working as a team. Now that's what I like to see >:)


My kidney's hurt
from laughing at the memes

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