I No Longer Fear Demons

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When I was young, I feared the dark. 

I was afraid that demons will come and start shaking my bed.

I kept the light on as I slept attempting 

to keep the demons away preventing

 their scary nightmare presents from wrestling 

my tiny happy memories for the day. 

Now that I'm older, I sleep in absolute darkness. 

I no longer fear demons. 

My 26 years of life has proven that it is people, 

"Holey holy, sacrilegiously religious, courteously self-righteous, godlessly godly people" who deserve my fear. 

They strike up a ripple

bruise spirits purple 

with their acts axing, words wounding, deeds deadening the hearts of the righteous few.

I no longer fear demons.

Demons flee in the name of the Lord. 

"godly people" wear His name as armor 

telling people not to touch the Lord’s anointed,

And to hang the Lord’s rejected,

And to worship the Board’s appointed.

Demons bow in reverence for God's shining glory.

 "godly people" bask in it, take pride in it, integrate it in their own story. 

Oh, sorry, testimony. 

Glory hallelujah to the *Insert your local prophet/pastor/elder’s name* almighty, who was (human), who is (human), and will always be (just plain, freaking, human) 

but is, 

*drumroll please*

just a better human than you can ever be. 

In fine print, by God’s grace, of course.

Every night, before I sleep, I turn all of the lights off. 

I no longer fear demons, not even if they sidle up to me in bed. 

They cannot hurt me. At least, not as much as these "godly people" already have. 

The really bad things in life don't happen in the dark. 

They happen out in an open park, 

Out where everyone can see, 

Out where everyone sees but refuse to hear,

Out where everyone sees and hears, and still, for fear,

Choose to refuse to do anything. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 ⏰

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