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Jorge: Hey Tini, don't be nervous, for few hours we will be in Sicily. It this your first flying in the plane?

Tini: No, but I don't like aircraft landing.

Jorge: If you will feel bad, just hold my hand. I am there for you.

Tini: Thank you Jorge.

When we arrived at Sicily, we went to the hotel to unpacked our things. Thanks God that I am with Camila on room, I don't know what I will do withour her.

Camila: Tini, I have a bad news. Stephie is here too.

Tini: What? Is she following Jorge, or me? She is not normal.

Cami: Don't be frightened, if she will do something bad to you, I will punch her at the face.😁

Tini: That's so sweet.😂😂

At the beach:

Tini: Why Camila why?

Camila: What happened? Is there Stephie?

Tini: No but look at Jorge, his body, he is shirtless, just in shorts, he is so attractive, I think I will die.

Camila: That's a good reason for death. 😂

Jorge: Hey girls, what are you two talking about?

Camila: Nothing, just girls things.

Jorge: So why is Tini looking at me so strange?

Camila: She have a heatstroke from the sun.

Jorge: That's bad. Does she want to go to the hospital?

Tini: No, I will be good, don't worry about me.

At the hotel:

Angie: Do you feel better now?

Tini: Yes, why?

Angie: Jorge told me that you have heatstroke, so if you want you can go with me and your dad to dinner.

Tini: No, I want a rest, I will be fine.

Angie: OK, If you will want something...

Tini: ...yes Angie and now go to your dinner, you know that dad is so impatient.

I was watching TV with Camila and later Cami went phoning with Rugge and I was bored so I went to the beach.
Fine sand, sound of the sea...

Jorge: What are you thinking about?

Tini: Oh, nothing. Can I bee alone for few minutes?

Jorge: No, you were alone enough. Since we are in Sicily, you don't talk to me, why? And don't excuse with heatstroke.

Tini: I must go.

Jorge: No Tini, please tell what did I do to you.

Tini: You did a lot, you came to my life without warning and you turned my life upside down. You brought me a lot of bad but also good things.

Jorge: Really? Because you brought to me only good things.

And then he kiss me, but now it was right. This kiss had so much love inside. But when I open my eyes, I saw Stephie with her killing view, so I pull myself away from him.

Jorge: Hey, come on, what's the matter? Are you okay?

Tini: Yeah, I'm fine.

Jorge: So did I did something wrong? Hey Tini, I have feelings for you. Don't you have feelings for me too?

Tini: No. This is wrong.

Jorge: You feel wrong we kissed? It felt great, it was amazing like it was always meant to be. Did you feel that?

Tini: No. I didn't feel that because you are  nothing for me. You are just my bodyguard, nothing more.

And then I run from him like a chick. Now I don't like myself.

Me & My BODYGUARD Where stories live. Discover now