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Jorge: ...will get married.

German: What? Tini, are you pregnant? Because if you are you don't have to marry.

Tini: No, I can't be pregnant because I am still virgin, and Jorge is too.

Jorge: You didn't have to say that.

Tini: But with that I improved this situation, that daddy?

German: Maybe a little bit. But you are so young, you have your life in front of you.

Tini: But I love Jorge, and he will not limit me in my hobbies.

German: You think it now, but it will be not like you think.

Tini: I don't care, all I want is to be with love of my life.

I got out with Jorge to his flat, soon we will live in our house. Why my dad don't understand me? My mom was younger when she marry him.

Tini: Do you think that my dad will ruin our's wedding?

Jorge: No, because Angie will stop him. Everything will be good Tini.

Tini: I hope.

Jorge: Tini, you have a uncle in prison, yeah?

Tini: Yeah, uncle Nicolas, but why are you talking about him now?

Jorge: Because he killed himself. That means you are safe.

Tini: Yes, it's bad that he killed himself but good that he will not hurt anybody.

Jorge: That's means you don't have to have a bodyguard.

Tini: Yes Jorge. You are officially fired.
I'm so sorry. 😂

Jorge: That's good, but I will still be with you, but now like your husband.

Tini: I will never get rid of you. 😂

The next day I was in park with Camila, we left our boyfriends home to watch football. We need some time to solve girls things.😊

Camila: So now are you ready for marriage?

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Camila: So now are you ready for marriage?

Tini: Yes, I think I am. But my dad doesn't think it too...

Camila: He will change his mind, do you remember how much he don't want to allow you a relationship with Jorge? And in the end he allow it?

Tini: But that's more serious Cami.

Camila: I know but you must think positively, like me.

Tini: OK, I will. And you and Rugge? You two live together for months...

Camila: He is not that type like Jorge. He doesn't want to get married and have kids early.

Tini: Cami I don't know if Jorge would like to have kids right some months after the wedding. And I don't know if he wants kids.

Camila: You must talk about it with him, cause I know that you want a little cute daughter.

Tini: Yeah, you know everything about me.

Now I will have weird conversation with Jorge, what if he hates kids? Would I like to stay with him?

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