A Strange Place for a Duet

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Beep... Beep... Beep....

The sound of a machine periodically making that high pitched noise slowly pulled me out of the darkness making me picture a person yelling into a dark cave for their lost partner which allows them to finally reach the sunlit entrance, once I regained consciousness. Sadly, my eye lids felt like they were sewn shut as I tried to open them, so I couldn't see what I owned that could make that noise. Trying to rub my eyes I discovered I was paralyzed. 'Oh, God, what did they do to cause this?' I tried moving various parts of my body and eventually tried crying out my frustration from no result. My mouth even refused to open, and I didn't even make a muffled noise. None of my body was working except my brain, lungs, ears, and heart that I could hear pounding in fear and frustration.

After all of this, I heard a new noise added to the annoying, yet much appreciated beeping. It was the sound of a handle turning and the air slightly stirring from, what I could infer, a door being opened. Then I heard the click of it being closed and footsteps walking up to stop beside my motionless, laying body. 'Who the hell is that?' The unknown answer scared me. Plastic crinkling softly then met my ears along with the scraping of something against tile. 'My bed room floor is wooden.... Where the hell am I?' My fear started to grow faster. My heart stopped as I heard the squeaking of fake leather. Then I felt a pair of warm hands grip my left hand, lifting up my heavy limb, and a pair of smooth, moist lips pressed against the back of my hand. Then the hands lowered my hand back down and I felt gelled hair against my arm, and the bed shift slight as the unknown person laid its head on it. Then I felt its hair move slightly, so I suspected that the person was looking at me. "Hi, (y/f/n), you know I think you should really wake up. It's been three days now. Come on, if you wake up, I promise to take you out to eat after you get discharged." The masculine voice sounded weary, worried, and hopeful; oddly, it seemed familiar, but I couldn't picture a face behind my eye lids....

'Wait, discharged? A-a-am... I in... a-a-a HOSPITAL?!?'

A small sigh left the person I suspected to be male. "I guess it's better that you're not conscience at the moment. I mean, here's someone that is the singer of a famous band which you obviously enjoy, but, since we only met once, you might be frightened. I don't think it helped that I called you after we met, and you hadn't given me your number...." One of his hands moved away from mine. "Now, that I think about it, I would be really freaked out by me. Oh, well, since you need a hero, I will be the one to fill those shoes as long as I can, and how awesome is it to have a member of one of your favorite bands serve as your own personal heroes?" He seemed to have gone from worry to realization to stern to happy. "Oh, hey, I'm about to have to go, so which song should we sing?

He moves to sit on the bed and gently holds my hand like a dad would do for their baby girl or an older brother grasping his little sister. "Well, since you didn't answer, how about "This is Gospel?"

I tried say please and opening my eyes, but I failed yet again.

"Okay, I'll start," he says before clearing his throat. Then I heard his singing and I felt excited for the seemingly appropriate song.

"This is gospel for the fallen ones

Locked away in permanent slumber

Assembling their philosophies

From pieces of broken memories.

Oh, woah, ah

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart

Oh, woah, ah

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart

The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds

Brendon Urie X Reader ~ The Hero and The VictimWhere stories live. Discover now