Home Is Where The Heart Is

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I eyed the doctor hoping not to have to stay in the hospital because I didn't want to give my parents or the kids at school the chance to visit. "Well... she is having slight problems with hand eye coordination, but that's due to her needing glasses. Also, for some unknown reason, she occasionally looses all control over some part of her body. She can be writing perfectly fine for five minutes then her muscles just relax instead. It could be due to the head trauma, but we can't find the exact source. Last she has had two fainting spells without reason. We'll have to keep an eye on her."

I felt my heart drop, and looked at Brendon with a bitter sweet smile. He looked a little upset, but still very happy.

"Before the two of you devise a plan for him to stay the night, we'll just have you come in once a week. You'll tell us if these symptoms get better or worse or don't change at all. If you agree to that and taking your prescription, you may go home tonight. I have your discharge papers right here."

We all walked the rest of the way to the room. I was super excited; even though I was only here consciously for six hours, I really didn't want to stay any longer. I wanted to be somewhere safe, safe with someone who cares for me. 'Brendon doesn't really care for you; you're just a distraction from the one he truly cares for but lost.' The dark voice in my head said. 'That may be the case, but at least I'm getting treated better than being a maid and punching bag.' I sat on the bed and took the paperwork from Doctor Alexander. I focused intensely on the muscles in my hand as I read through the paperwork. Dr. Alexander had stepped outside and Brendon had gone with him making it a little easier to keep control of my body, or so I thought. Suddenly the hand with the papers in it went limp causing the paper to scatter to the floor. I quickly slid off the side of the bed and began using my good hand to gather the pages until I lost control of that one too. 'With you like this, he might give up on being your hero. Every hero only comes when necessary and teaches the civilians to not rely on him/her all the time. You'll always need him, and he'll give up.'

'When that day comes, I'll have to suck it up and deal with it like I've done with everything else.'

'It won't be that easy and you know it. You are in love with this guy. You have watched all his interviews, listened to all of his songs, looked up his bio. You're not obsessed with the idol; you're in love with the man behind the success. Imagine dropping a mirror off the side of Mount Everest; that's exactly how your heart will feel when he leaves you.'

I sighed trying not to let the dark voice get to me. I looked at the papers all over the floor and the glanced at either arm. 'I'll just have to prove to him that I'm not a useless girl, a lost cause, or a plague on earth.'

'You're right; you're not completely useless. He could just use your immobile body for pleasure until Sarah takes him back.'

I ignored the voice as best as I could, but that last comment brought terrible images to my mind. I felt tears beginning to pool in my eyes, but blinked them back putting on a face of determination. I finally got one of my hands to respond, but, sadly, I heard the door opening causing me to lose focus. My arm went dead again. I looked up to see Brendon waving to someone, and then he turned to see me.

"(Y/f/n), I'm so sorry. Dr. Alexander was giving me advice about how to help you and what I can work on with you to try and get your body to work with you brain again. Also, what I need to be on watch about," Brendon said gathering up the pages, organizing them, and placing them in an organized pile. I watched him as tears slowly broke the dam that was my eye lids and made thin salty trails down my face. 'He's been so caring, thoughtful, and helpful, but I'm going to be more of a burden to him than he originally thought.'

Brendon Urie X Reader ~ The Hero and The VictimWhere stories live. Discover now