The End

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I opened my eyes tiredly what I assumed was a few seconds later. I saw the funnel cake stall lights shining brightly. Strong arms were wrapped around me, and I felt safe. I looked up expecting the one person who I could feel safe around, but instead of seeing Brendon, I saw Dallon. "Hey, Sunshine you're awake," he said when he looked down at me. We continued moving as he carried me to the car. He set me in the back. Then he went around and sat beside me and cradled me in his arms. I looked ahead not feeling as safe as I did when I thought it was Brendon, but I couldn't just tell Dallon that. "Thank you for saving me," I said quietly.

"Oh, it wasn't me. Brendon found you, but handed you over to me to keep safe. That way he could tell off those girls. He'll be here in a few to take back over. Honestly, I'm beginning to think that maybe-. HEY!" Suddenly Dallon was pulled out of the car by someone dressed in black.

The person blended into the darkness, another shadow figure appearing person walked up holding him down as the other seemed to punch him. I felt my muscles become lead, but I pushed through it and jumped out of the car assuming the people were after me. "I'm over here!" I looked to see them leave Dallon, who was barely moving, and started to dash towards me. I took off running pushing the leaden feeling out of my muscles. 'I'm not going to continue to be useless.' I ran through the fair trying to find a cop. I looked behind me to still see the shadow people following me through the brightly lit, merry place. I recognized the shapes and stopped and looked at them head on. "Robert, Jane, I should've known you wouldn't give up."

"Do NOT disrespect your parents, BITCH!" My father's gruff voice was slightly muffled.

I felt the years of pain, abuse, and absence of all affection build up. Brendon had showed me what I had been missing out on; I saw it all as it seemed to flash before my eyes, and all I felt after these two days was rage at my parents and my helplessness. "I'M NOT A BITCH!" I hollered as I started to get close to my parents. They started removing their masks. "I'M NOT USELESS!" I felt all of the heaviness that weighed every fiber of my body down and the dizziness dissipate as I progressed. "I'M NOT A WHORE!" I was now right in front of them. I saw rage in their eyes, but I felt that my hatred was stronger. "AND I REFUSE TO BE YOUR FUCKING PUNCHING BAG ANYMORE!" Jane's hand went to grab my hair, but I punched her in the nose blood started trickling out after impact. Robert grabbed my wrist and I gave him a nice, swift kick to his groin. "Neither of you will ever touch me again or my friends. It's time you drug addicted, worthless, no good abusers get the fuck out of my life, and I swear if you ever show yourselves in it again you'll no longer be walking the streets. I was never that stupid; you think because I never fought back that you were safe. Wrong! I was waiting until I had the right strength to get back at you. I took pictures of every bruise, cut, and non documented hospital stay. I kept proof of your drug use too. Unless you want to go to prison, heed my warning." I looked at the bloody, horrified face of my mother and the pained, worrisome look my father wore before pushing past them.

"(Y/N)," Brendon's voice rang through my head, and I turned around to see him holding out his arms in a hug. Behind him stood Spencer propping up a slightly bloody and bruised Dallon. I couldn't help but run into his arms. I felt proud, safe, and happy.

After a few minutes we went to the car silently, but inside Dallon started laughing. "It looks like (y/n) no longer needs a hero, Brendon. What are you going to do?"

He smiled as he drove, "you'll just have to wait and see on that one, Dallon."

"Whatever you choose to do, I'm sure it won't be as shocking as the news that came right after Sarah left you," I heard Spencer say while scoffing.

I looked at Brendon with intense eyes. "What news did you give them after Sarah left you."

"Oh, sweet, (y/n/n), that is for the guys to know and for you to find out. By the way, when is your birthday?"

I looked at him confused, "in a few months, but what does that have to do with anything?"

He smiled and once again said, "you'll see."

~Time skip brought to you by Brendon's party planning~

I had been to the doctor a few times now, and today was going to be, supposedly, the last day. The best birthday news if you ask me. Well, Brendon had woke me up by slightly shaking me and calling my name gently.  Upon opening my eyes, I saw he was only wearing a frilly, pink apron and a pair of black boxers. He had made me breakfast in bed. I had bacon, eggs, toast, and, of course, coffee. He ate with me with a goofy grin spread across his face. After we finished, he removed the plates and trays from my bed, so I could get ready for school. I put on a white button up tee shirt and black skirt that almost went to the top of my knees. Then I slipped on my flats and walked out with my bag to see Brendon dressed in black skinny jeans, sun shades, black loafers, and a black leather jacket. I started going to the kitchen to make my lunch, "why are you dressed up so early this morning?"

"It's your birthday, so I'm driving you to school. Also, don't make any lunch because I'm taking you out. Then we have to go to the hospital. Next we're going to dinner, and we'll end up at my favorite bar. Now let's go," he said grabbing my hand and leading me out the door. In the car there was a necklace with a silver guitar pick on it, with a tag reading, "For (y/n)" hanging from the rear view mirror. He put it on me, and took me to school. There, in every class I had various presents. One was a pair of earrings, another was a bracelet, and the last class had new head band resembling a tiara in it. When I got out for lunch, Brendon had a balloon, a card, and a box of chocolates. "Someone sure does love to spoil people on their birthday."

He just smiled and took me to a sandwich shop down the road for lunch, and then he dropped me off at the hospital. When he got back he held out a strapless, (f/c) dress, matching shoes, my make up bag, and a new purse. He let me change in the hospital, and we were on our way to some resturant. He acted completely normal, and the entire time I just thought how lucky I would be if he was in love with me. Today seemed like the best day to do it, but I was waiting until we got home. After dinner and desert, he took me to the bar where he had set up a big party with all his friends and mine. Patrick Stump and his wife, Pete Wentz and his spouse, Brendon's band, and my best friends (b/f/n), (b/f/n) were all there. The place was decorated in my favorite colors, a big birthday banner and balloons everywhere, and smiling faces made it even more special. Brendon stayed by my side the whole night and we even danced a couple of times. Then right after midnight I blew out the candles on a cake and opened gifts from everyone, but they couldn't compare with everything Brendon had done for me. At about one Brendon put the presents in the car, and I guessed we were going home. I was wrong. We pulled up to the first place I had met Brendon, the coffee shop. It looked closed, but Brendon had the keys. We went inside, and there was an vanilla frap and a cup of coffee with two chocolate chip chocolate muffins in between them at the booth we met in. I smiled and felt happy tears come to my eyes. We sat down, quietly and began sipping at our drinks.

"Brendon, thank you for the most perfect day in my life."

"Well, (y/n), it was my pleasure. Oh, you have to try Marg's muffin," he said sticky a bit in my mouth. "They always have a surprise inside."

I looked down to see a simply silver ring in the center. I looked at it confused.

"(Y/N), this isn't the last perfect day I want to give you, and I'm not asking for marriage, yet. But, on the day I met you, I fell in love with you, and I planned then to get you to fall in love with me."

"Brendon, you were too late that day... because I already loved you," I said looking into his eyes beyond happy. He leaned in and stole my first kiss. I blushed, but eagerly kissed him back.

"Does that mean you'll be mine?"

"Of course," I said smiling then I heard an elderly voice behind me.

"It's about time, Brendon, she's perfect for you."

I looked over to see Marg, and she smiled going back upstairs. Then Brendon's delicate fingers made me look back at him, and he kissed me and I felt all the love in the world in that one moment. I knew that this is where I wanted to be. He had been my hero, and he always will be. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck imagining our future.

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