WᴚITERS "♥" Part 1

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In the room of our channel's main writer Ms. Koyal, hey hey only her name is Koyal (in hindi 'cuckoo bird' is called as 'koyal') she is no way when compared with Koyal The Bird. Hhhhff.. You will understand in some time why I am saying so...

Anyways let's begin, last year out of the 3 interns that joined had left it before 2 months only... wait wait have patience. Due to that, the reputation of our Ms. Koyal went low in the industry. We have decided to not enroll any other intern or assistant.

All the writing is managed by her alone. I must say, even though its hard to work with her but when she starts writing no one in the industry can be compared to hers (that's the only reason for others to still give her work).

I know I know you must be thinking who the hell is this person talking to us, so let me introduce myself formally.

Hello, I am Shastri, Mr. Barmuda Shastri an advocate by degree cum manager cum best or the only friend of this husky crow voice Koyal. I do almost all the work other than writing for her right from getting assignments/ projects to finding assistant writers/ interns to become her legal advisor.

Recently we have received a new project of writing a horror story for a leading channel that can run for almost a year in parts of one hour two days a week.


Koyal is lying in as if she is drunk. Her head was resting down on the table with the support of her chin. All her black brown wild curls (anyone looking can say wen last they had been groomed) were covering her face. Despite of that darkness surrounding there, her left eye still manages its way to pop outsides.

As I entered her room, trust me if I had not known her from years I would have already been on my way to hospital due to heart attack... whooooff

Koyal (in a deep heavy tone)-"Shaaastriiii..."

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