Time To Meet

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I hate hospitals

They are bright, crowded, and smell funny. I don't want to be here. The police say I was bit by a dog. I don't trust those donut eating idiots. My stalker was in the house. They did this to me. Now I have to sit in an overpriced hospital bed. Not dying is expensive. I know the second I get discharged they'll give me a bill longer than the Mississippi River. All because some creep broke into my house. When I find them, I'm suing. I didn't ask to be saved. Hospital workers say the neighbors heard noise and called the police. Those cowards probably called as a noise complaint.

Can't change the past. I'm stuck here... sitting in a hospital gown. High on pain medicine. My whole leg is numb. Expensive drugs that'll cost a fortune. Now, I have to stress about the bank REPOSSESSING MY HOME! Instead of being peacefully dead, I have to worry about money. I have cop bodyguards watching me. They couldn't protect a goldfish.

"Screw life," I whine.

Life actually ain't that bad. My stalker hasn't been seen for a week. Got some eye candy to look at (police are dumb but hot). I get to use people's pity to my advantage. When I want a ride to work, I pose with my crutches. I pout and bat my eyelashes too. If anyone dare say no to me then I remind them how some of my nerves were damaged and I had an artery sewn back together. My tibia was fractured. A nasty scar, or a few, was forming on my leg. Their guilt complex is my aid.

Reese is my ride to the hotel. He is an angel sent from heaven... who happens to remember my favorite ice cream flavor. I hear the run down tires screech against the pavement. I hobble out the door with a smile plastered on. A door with chipped paint opens upon my arrival. One goofy red-head sat in the passenger seat.

"Bye, Officer Drake. Don't eat all the cookies Lieutenant Todd!" Their eyes lit up as I wobbled backwards. Lieutenant Todd winked at me. Not to self: count all the cookies once returned home.

"Need help getting in?" Reese asked. I craned my neck to see what he was hiding behind him.

"Don't peak," he scolded.

"But I wanna see it," I whined.

"Not until we get to work." He patted the seat next to him.

"You suck!" I crossed my arms while sitting in the passenger seat. I put my seatbelt on like a smart person, then crossed my arms again.

"You're cute when you pout."

"Well, you're not cute when you act like a meanie."

"If I'm so mean then you can ask the sexy officers to drive you around."

"But they don't have your smile."

"Careful, I'm starting to think you may have a crush on me." He never took his eyes off the road. But, I could tell he was laughing on the inside.

"You wish," I poked his stomach, "call me when you get a six pack. Then, you might have a chance at my heart."

"I should say the same thing about you," He smirked.

"Rude." I scoffed.

"Not my fault you feast on junk food!" He stuck his tongue out at me. I playfully punched his arm.

"I hope you step on a lego," I teased.

"You are a monster," he gasped.

"Bet your Auntie disagrees." I shrugged.

"She won't stop pestering me to go on a date!" He rolled his eyes.

"Sounds like fun. Who does she want you to date?" I tried to peek around his arm.

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