Stay Inside

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< New point of view >

I never liked the nighttime. No kid does. Spooky shadows twist familiar places into foreign terrors. Silence taunts the fear. It dares you to mutter a sound. Cold chills tingle throughout your body. That paranoid feeling of having hidden eyes watch your every move. Darkness hides monsters. That's what foolish children believe.

When I started to grow out of those fears, life got better. My parents could have some peace and quiet without me barging into their room. I stopped being a chicken. Scary movies were even occasionally watched. Those actors played it all wrong...

Nobody in this small town ever really went out at night. The common guess was because there was nothing to do. Just a boring place filled with insanely annoying people. People who played it safe while snuggling in blankets. They all embraced the security of their homes. Except my father...

One night, he took our extra hyper dog for a walk. Never liked that dog. It always shoved it's tongue up my nostrils. But my father found the puppy to be the most adorable thing in the world (apart from his child that he loved so dearly). So, he and the puppy strolled around in the dark. Only for a few minutes, at least, that's what he told us. My mom and I never saw them again...

The police eventually gave up looking. They said he must've ran off to start a new life... with the dog I guess. He would never do that. Both of us knew him too well to believe that. My mom knew the worst case scenarios that probably happened to him. I could tell by the empty look in her eyes. Sure, my parents weren't the madly in love couple that never fought. They still loved each other though. They laughed and joked around. We didn't need to be a perfect family to have a wonderful life.

Loosing dad changed my mom. She was devastated. People told me it was grief. I thought it was something deeper. My mom stopped singing when the radio was on. Her smiles were fake, only worn for my sake. No more teasing or jokes. There may be people living in here but our house was lifeless and cold. Friends wouldn't come over anymore. My mom pulled me out of elementary school. She homeschooled me. With the extra time at home (every moment of my life, to be exact), I noticed something off about my mom. Mostly because she never left the house...

My mom worked as a translator. She worked on the computer day and night. Never had to leave the house. Food was delivered, including groceries. Everything was ordered and delivered online. The windows were never opened. I didn't dare ask why.

Finally, my mom explained it to me when I became a teenager. She dragged my over to the window. After cautiously peeking though the window, she made me look outside. All I saw was an empty street.

"There is something out there... lurking in the shadows. That monster killed your father," She said.

I trusted my mom. Every night I stood at the widow, watching. It will show itself someday. I just have to stay strong. My mom taught me how to survive that thing. Even after she died, I didn't forget her lessons. I missed her funeral. She wouldn't have wanted me to leave her house.

Now, I work as a graphic designer. At home, of course. I also do online surveys for a little extra money. I'm not as skilled with languages as my mom was. Money is a little tight. People on Wattpad are very friendly. I feel like I get enough social experience on that app. Who needs to go outside and talk to something that's actually alive?

I accepted my life inside this one story home. No friends that live in the same county as me. My next door neighbors probably think I'm dead... if they even remember that I lived here. Okay, I have to admit something. I am an internet troll. In my defense, it's very entertaining. I didn't need to go outside. Until I saw them...

I turned on my light to get a better view of the street. A person walking turned to look at me. They smiled while waving. I don't know why this sent butterflies in my stomach. Someone acknowledged my existence. Who knew it felt so good to be cared for?

Wait... this person is out at night. People die in the shadows. I never leave the house... but I want to make an exception for them. I know how to survive this beast. I can protect this friendly neighbor.

It was totally not creepy that I scouted this person's house. And knew every way in. And maybe stole a few cookies. There was no way that me watching them sleep was unusual either. It was for their protection.

A few times I noticed the creature stalking behind this person. Each time I panicked. Screaming while trying to warn them. Luckily, this person got the hint and ran to safety. I wanted to stay and explain what I was doing... but I needed to run home before I got eaten.

So much I want to say, I only mutter a few words. We finally are in the same room. That thing is waited outside. It's feasting on the flesh of their friend. I want to comfort the person I've dedicated so much time protecting. I don't know how. It's been so long since I've talked to someone.

"He's dead," The sobs broke my train of thought.

"I'm sorry," I was about to place a hand on their shoulder. I hesitated.

"We have to kill that thing. For Reese," A dark glint shone in those determined eyes. 

"You are even crazier than me. And this is the first time I've left my house in 18 years." They laughed at my statement. A hint of pain lingered in their voice.

"Will you help me or not?"

"Do you think I risked dying just to let you face this alone?!"

AYE this kinda sucked. I really rushed it. Whatever. Not the worst chapter I've ever written

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