Ready To Kill

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"Don't touch anything!" I snapped.

My stalker quickly raised their hands to show compliance. Although, they immediately reached for something else that caught their attention. I sighed while racing after them. So far, we've only sat in silence. I can barely process Reese's death, let alone come up with a plan. I glared at my new guest. They seemed mentally unable to think. I quickly shooed them away from anything breakable.

"Go sit in the corner," I ordered. The idiot looked at me confused, then turned to face the area I pointed at.

"I'm not a child."

"Quit acting like one or you'll get killed," How were they so calm about a murderer prowling outside?

"I've been protecting YOU. I know what I'm doing," they reminded me. Still, this person is all over the place. Their behavior was a little off: squirming, avoiding eye contact, and going from serious to playful.

"Alright, how do we kill it?" I asked.

"If I knew how to kill it, then the thing would be dead." They rolled their eyes.

"What about weaknesses?" I said through gritted teeth.

"It doesn't go out in the daytime. So, maybe light hurts it," they shrugged.

"Or it could just be nocturnal and hunt at night," I deadpanned before yelling, "Can you at least try to be useful?!"

My outburst made them flinch. I sighed and sat next to them on the floor. Both of us let misery consume our thoughts. The person beside me looked to be deep in unpleasant thoughts. One image kept popping up in my mind. Reese's pale face. A torn shirt soaked in blood. I left him behind. He's dead and that thing gets to continue being a murderer. My body tensed up. It's not fair that Reese suffered. I couldn't stop the shaking hands on my lap. He died alone. I dug my nails into my palms.

I'm going to kill it. That monster will feel every second of pain that Reese went through. My ragged breathing was loud enough to snap me back to the present. All I want to do is rip everything apart. I need to make it pay.

"We have to gather weapons," I said nonchalantly.

"I'll get knives from the kitchen," my stalker offered.

"You do that. I'll grab a few things from my room," I walked away curtly.

"Why do you need two tasers AND pepper spray?!? Also, what the bloody hell are the firecrackers for?!" They exclaimed.

"All of this is necessary. Why did you grab everything pointy that I own?" I raised an eyebrow.

"To do stabbing and stuff!"

"You want to stab it with colored pencils," I surveyed the collected arsenal, unamused.

"We need everything we can ge- What just rubbed against my leg!?" They jumped.

"Just the cat," I gently picked up my feline friend. He softly purred while rubbing his face against my arm.

"I'm more of a dog person."

"I wish he was a flerken. Then he could just eat that monster outside," The thought of the killer being wrapped in tentacles satisfied me.

I softly stroked his fur while walking to the bathroom. All the cat's necessities were inside. I crouched down to set him on the ground. Of course, he tried to bolt under my legs. I grabbed the anxious brat and pushed him back. He hissed at us before I slammed the door. The idiot beside me stuck his tongue out at the closed door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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