Purity is not selfish

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A  beautiful petal grew from the crimson rose

34 petals left

*warning, suicide attempt, if you are sensitive, please skip the chapter, I too am sensitive*

Y/n p.o.v

     it's like a never ending circle of mistrust and guilt, it swallows a person quickly than the sand drying up.

the headaches grew stronger, like if trying to contain me into a bottle, ever since that incident... my mind has not been at peace.

those words;


strap me

pin me

i thought karma was the worse of them all...

i guess i was wrong.

its been a week in a half since my ... brother joined the army, should i even say,


is this even hell?

"stay calm, don't let it get to you" my lips parted, breathing in and out from this thick and suffocating atmosphere.

all alone in a room, desperation of silence, could there be anything worse?

*yes, you are just blind y/n~*



just stop them...

please i beg..

*beg? are you crazy? there's no such thing as mercy here sweetie, just take it, take it*

the whispers yelled, surrounding my bed, my clothes, my soul.

the pills are laying there...

asking me to just reach them

Grasp them

" no stop" I grabbed my hair, holding onto sanity.

*come on, one pill wouldn't bite! At least try!*

What is wrong with me!

I look at the selfish bottle on my hands, I deeply looked at my hands, how easily they were to grab.

Was I being selfish?

*no, your saving yourself*

From what?

The truth?


The whisper stays quietly.

" I c-can't do this, not after..."

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