Chapter 1: the hatred

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Mareyn looked around frantically. No one loved her!!! Everyone she ever knew, friend, foe, or forgotten, surrounded her, looking hurt and betrayed. This was her worst nightmare awoken!!

She gasped and sat up. That was horrifying! She was in her bed, covers thrown off. The window was closed and her calendar said FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.

"Oh no!!" It was 7:55. I'm late! For school! She immediately dressed in her uniform. She looked so horrible but she needed to get to school.

She ran downstairs. As usual her parents had left for work without waking her up. She had to run to school!

She stepped into room 98 at 8:11, 1 minute after school starts. Everyone looked up. She blushed. She didn't like having attention,k,!!!!

The teacher cleared his throat. "Hello, miss..."

"Mareyn," she said, blushing again. She didn't like talking.

"Ok, miss Mareyn. Take that seat. You will be excused... for today."

She nodded and walked to the seat in the back of the room.

"I am Mr. Finny your homeroom and science teacher. I will explain your schedule. First it's my class..."

Mareyn tried her best to pay attention, but it seemed really boring. She knew all of this already. Someone next to her tapped her shoulder. She looked up.

"Hi," He said. "I'm Gyr." He looked pleased with himself. His brown hair was slicked back. He had shadowey dark i's.

"Oh" she blushed again. She didn't like it. "I'm Mareyn"

"MISS MAREYN!!" Mr. Finny growled. "NO TALKING!!!!"

The bell rung. The class quickly got up from their desks and streamed out of the room. Mareyn moved with the crowd.

"HI Mareyn!" Aria caught up with her. "Do you think we will have homework?"

"I hope not." Coronet and sierra walked up to them, arm in arm. "Hi," coronet beamed.

"This school see,s nice," Sierra said. "I don't think they will."

"Really?."?."! Mr. Finny was so mean to me." Mareyn said.

"RELLY?" all of them said. "This school is TERRIBLE!"

"Time for class," Mareyn said.

Mareyn walked into her classroom. She sat down as the teacher stood up.

"I'm mister speedy," he yawned. "You need to finish 5 problems. Ok go."

The classroom erupted into chaos. Mareyn just tried to finish her problems.

Someone scooted his table closer. "Do you want to work on these problems together. The rest of the class is chaos."

"Sure" maareyn said. "I'm Mareyn."

"I'm lykos" he said.

He had blue, mysterious, diamond gesyer, ocean, deep blue vortex, whirlpool of sea glass blue, bluer than ardens eyes, enchanting, swirling, crystal, hurricane, turquoise, ceruleanbrightblue i's and black hair. He looked familiar...

"Cool name" she blushed. She didn't like blushing.

"Thanks. The answer to question 1 is 34.9."

"Oh cool" she said staring at his deep turquoise i's.

"Hi Mareyn" Gyr walked up to them.

"Oh Gyr! Hi!" She jumped and started blushing again. She didn't like math class.

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