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I bit my lip as I kept my head down and hurried down the halls as quick as I could. I had been cornered by Jade after lunch and was now running late to my next class. I didn't want to get into anymore trouble as I knew the teacher would already yell at me for being five minutes late. If I was even later, there was a chance the school would call the house. It had happened once before, and I didn't want it to happen again.

The punishment i was given by mother wasn't pretty. I was accused of whoring myself out and then thrown into the closet naked for the night. The morning came and I was given a glass of lemon juice and vinegar before I left for school. I didn't not want to drink that concoction again.

As I turned the corner I gave a small yelp as I was knocked off my feet. I blinked as I felt arms reach out to steady me.

"You alright?" I blinked again to give the person a smile.

"Thanks Will." He gave me a small smile in return as he adjusted his backpack before he glanced behind me.

"No problem. You should probably hurry to class. I know the vice principal had been wondering around the halls more lately, and we don't want a repeat of last time, right.." He raised an eyebrow at me causing me to internally wince.

McCoy. The cold eyed man that seemed to always be lurking around the school. He gave me the creeps. Something about he screamed 'run' and 'danger'. Will had saved me from being dragged away to have a 'talking' to when I wore a too short of a skirt for his liking. Ever since then Will had been running interference with McCoy, I don't know how but I wasn't going to question it.

If he could keep him away from me, I wasn't going to say a word. Will and I may not be friends, but we got along and helped each other out when needed at school. I would usually bring lunch or a snack and he would make sure McCoy stayed away.

"Thanks! I'll see you later" I quickly scampered off and down the hall. I was almost there. I stopped outside the door and quickly made my way inside. A blush coming to my cheeks as the whole glass looked at me.

The teacher just sighed and waved me away to sit down. I quickly ducked my head, and sat down at one of the only empty seats a sigh leaving my lips once the attention was off me.

I turned my attention to the teacher and listened to him done on and explain what we were doing today until he wrote page numbers on the chalk board.

"Finish this by the end of class and you won't have homework." He told the class and sat down at his own desk and started to grade papers, or so I assumed by the red marker in his hands.

Most of the class didn't open their books and opted to talk. I decided to get the homework done so I didn't have to bother doing it later.

"Friday Fell is today. Who do you think is going over?" I glanced over at the girl next to me talking to her friend. I never heard of Friday Fell. I brushed a strand of hair out of my face as I tried to concentrate on the math homework in front of me.

"I think it is going to be one of the transfers." the sound of gum popping came next and the load chewing after. The load sound making me flinch and duck my head down more as I tried to keep my eyes on the numbers on the page.

"The ones in the uniforms right?"

"Those are the ones. By the end of the day one of them are going to go over. Too bad, some of them were cute."

The sound of the bell ringing made me snap my head up and sigh. I quickly grabbed my bag and put my things away before heading out. I had a free period, so I could relax before I had my last class, gym.

 I wished I had been able to get into the AP classes and the language class, I may have had a challenge and been able to do something during my free period. Instead I tend to wonder around or go outside under a tree until gym. I finished my homework during class most of the time so I had nothing to do.

As I walked down the busy halls, I turned and made my way upstairs. It was the abandoned classrooms, and the lockers were decorated with graffiti, and paper and garbage scattered across the dirt covered floors.

I silently made my way down the hall, eyes taking in the drawings on the walls. Some of them were done really well and the others were just vulgar.

"Come on. Shut the fucker up. I don't want to attract anymore attention until he is thrown over." A voice yelled as I heard a crash and another curse.

I stopped and hid in one of the side classrooms as I heard more footsteps behind me. I watched as four boys came through dragging another boy down the hall, The one being dragged was putting up a fight and throwing a bunch of curses words to make me blush.

"Let me go you fucker." His voice deep making me try to get a close look at his features, but they were already pulling him down the hall.

"One of you are going over, and you were the lucky one to be alone." One of the guys chuckled darkly.

'Go over..'..they couldn't mean... " My thoughts trailed off as I peeked out to see what room they were dragging him to. I pressed my finger to my lip, as I sat my book bag down.

'Friday fell? That is what the girls in class called it. Do they mean to throw him over the balcony?' I frowned as I saw the room they had dragged the cursing one to. I had explored up here before and knew the room they had dragged him in had the balcony that had a good drop down.

I took a breath and made my way to the room, I needed to make sure that they weren't going to do what I thought they were going to do. Why would anyone want to do something like that.

I sucked in a breath as I saw one of the guys hit another one who was being held on his knees and restrained. I could see the blood on the floor making me feel sick to my stomach.

"Come on now. Don't be such a pussy. I didn't even hit you that hard. " The one who threw the punch laughed as he wiped his hand on his shirt, red stains streaking on his shirt for everyone to see.

"Why don't you let me go and we can see who the pussy is you fucking dick." The deep voice growled. I saw blue eyes glare across the room and dark hair with blonde streaks that framed his face.

Another punch to the face was his reply. I winced hearing flesh hitting flesh. Then all was silent for a few seconds before another order was barked out.

"Lets get this over before his friends notice he is missing." The guy nodded to the balcony and I paled. He was going to do what I thought.

I then did something stupid.

I knew how to fall, but I never fell from such a high place before. As the guy was taken to the edge I did the only thing I could think of, I rammed into the two guys making them loose their balance. I through a couple good kicks and saw blue eyes looking at me in shock. I felt something hit me then.. all I heard was a curse and the someone yelling before all I felt was being weightless. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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