Chapter 2: X Eyes. [XXX]

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[Chapter 2: X eyes]

[This shows a alternate route. A bad route. Not the main story.] [Route - XXX ]

Which route shall you choose?

Ritsuka's eyes slowly opened. It was all black, everywhere. She  was laying in air, "...?" She didn't know where she was. She saw  a snake come to her. He was laughing. "...What the...?"She was confused. Was she dreaming?

Did the beating not kill her but just make her fall asleep?

Where was Hazaki? 

Hazaki was still the only thing on her mind.

"So we meet for the first time, Ritsuka." The snake slyly spoke up. For the first time he said.

"What the..? Where is Hazaki?"The black haired girl immediately asked.

"Kukuku~ Always looking for your brother, It's  like you have nothing better to do."The snake replied,"Hazaki is..somewhere far. "

The snake wanted to experiment with these two twins. Mostly with Ritsuka. 

In the next route, He would not tell her what to do until later on. He knew she'd obey. She knew she wouldn't fall for the Dan. She only cares for Hazaki. As long as she didn't remember, It would be okay.

Ritsuka frowned,"Where?! Tell me now!"She shouted angrily.

"Even if I tell you, You won't be able to get to  him." The snake replied,"I want you to do something from me. You two died, you two gained eye abilities from this. It's like powers, you see? I need you too..."

Ritsuka slowly woke up. She found herself in the city. She stood up, a stern  expression on her face. She activated her ability. She knew what to do and would do it. She'd obey the snake for her brothers sake.

Anything to get him back..Anything.

She got up then ran out of the alley, pushing past people. She knew where the Dan would be right about now. At the amusement park, of course. Kano said they'd just have to go there, plus Mary wanted too. She ran and ran to the amusement park, pushing people out of the way yet feeling no pain.

 She made way there, putting on her act. She pretended to be freaking out about her so called powers. She ran through the dan, pushing past them and making some of them fall. She stopped in her tracks and turned back, looking at them with those red eyes," I-I'm so sorry!!"She cried then turned away, running.

Kido's eyes widened,"She had..."

"An ability.."Seto mumbled.

"After her!"Kido said. Kano and Seto nodded then ran after the girl who continued to run, pretending to freak out while she was grinning inwardly. 

"Do this and you can get him back. You can be happy with him forever, no dad to hurt you."

Of course. She'd do anything to have a happy life with her twin brother.

The snake laughed,'Humans are so foolish.'

Seto ran in front of Ritsuka, causing her to stop in her tracks. "Wait!"He said. Ritsuka's eyes widened. She turned around to run but Kano was there.

The boys,Kido and Mary surrounded her.Ritsuka's eyes teared up,"W-What are you d-doing..?"

"We're here to help you." Kido said. She walked over to her,"You're surprised at your sudden strength, right? And why your eyes are red..?"

Ritsuka sniffled and nodded.

"We can explain. We have 'powers' too." Kido said. She held out a hand for Ritsuka to take,"Please come with us."

Ritsuka hesitated but then took her hand, thinking,'Good..' She inwardly grinned.

They took the girl back, explaining everything to her as if she didn't know.. Ritsuka sniffled,"But.." She continued to put on her submissive act," I miss him.." Tears streamed down her face. She really did miss him,"I want Hazaki back.."Her voice cracked.

The black snake had manipulated Ritsuka to do what he wanted.

The snake went on,"Gather certain people. I need them.. When you do that, I will let you and your brother live happily together..forever." He grinned,"You want that, don't you?"

"...What will you do with those certain people?" She asked.

"Oh nothing,Maybe just..Kill them."  

Ritsuka's eyes widened. "What the hell makes you think I'll help you kill people?!"She snapped,"Bastard!"

"You want your brother, don't you?"The snake asked," Hmm.. I guess you don't want him that bad since you won't do what I ask..."

Ritsuka flinched and looked away,'Hazaki..'

"You must hate your brother. You must hate his guts not to do this. Where he is now, He will be beaten forever. He will be broken. I will break him."The snake went on,"I will tell him why this is happening to him. " He grinned,"  And how  you could of saved him."

Tears went down Ritsuka's cheeks,"Stop it."

"He'll blame you. He will HATE you, Ritsuka. Is  that what you want?" The snake asked.

"Stop it!"Ritsuka snapped. She sobbed,"Stop!"

"Hm? Why should I?"The snake replied," I'm just simply telling you the truth." He grinned," Just telling you how  much Hazaki will hate your guts forever. He cannot die, so he will forever feel pain and blame you for that. " He slithered closer," That's what you want, though. So why am I bothering to try and make you feel bad?"He chuckled,"It's useless. I'll just let you go out and live your life happily without him, while he forever bleeds."

Ritsuka's tears stopped."...I'll do it."She whispered.


"I said I'll do it!"Ritsuka replied, her body shaking.

The insanity got to her.

The Dan let Ritsuka sleep in Seto's room.She smiled,"Thank you.."She rubbed her eyes, closing the door. She went to the bed, slipping under the covers. She stared up at the ceiling.

Tears once again streamed down her cheeks.

Oh how  disappointed Hazaki would b- No, No,No,No. Hazaki would hate her if she didn't do this.

Ritsuka grinned wide as the insanity flowed back,"Hehehe...Heheh..."She laughed quietly. She put a hand on her face,"Hazaki.. This is for you."

Hazaki sat in the Haze, his eyes wide. His body was trembling,"H-How  could you do this to her...?"He bitterly glared at the snake.

"How could I not?"The snake replied slyly. "It was easy. She has such a simple mind when it comes to you, Hazaki~"He smirked,"You've only got yourself to blame."

Tears went down the boys cheeks,"...Only me to blame.."

[Woah messed up.]

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