Chapter 3: Painful Recital

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[Chapter 3: Painful Recital]

 Ritsuka walked in darkness, towards a wooden chair. There was a boy  sitting on it, hanging his head. The boy had white hair that was insanely messy, black  at the tips of his hair. He was wearing a  white cloak  with the hood down and under the large and lengthy cloak, a black shirt and white pants, no shoes on.

Ritsuka walked to the chair and went around it so she was facing the boy with  his head down. By the look at it, the man had cracks on his neck and cheeks.

A  wide, evil looking grin spread across his face. He looked up,"You must be the good one." He reached out, grabbing Ritsuka by her neck, choking her. Ritsuka's eyes widened in fear. She tried to get air into her  while trying to pry the mans hands off.

The scary thing is, the boy looked like Hazaki..but this wasn't Hazaki. No, not at all. She felt like she had no connections with him at all. Not friends nor family.

"I wonder why..The day you got out wasn't August 15. So why was it that you got out, Ritsuka? Do you have any idea?"

He just continued to strangle her, speaking of strange things.

"Do you remember?"

"You must remember."

"Remember, Ritsuka."

"All you've done. Remember it."

" How long you have waited. How many times this happened. Remember it all."


She let out a gasp as she woke up from her dream, drenched in sweat."...!" She just stared at the ceiling with wide eyes, her own hands on her neck.

What kind of dream was that? Who was that and what was he talking about?

'It's like I'm going insane..' Ritsuka thought, sitting up. She pulled up the sleves of her pajamas which she borrowed  from Momo. She got up and went to the bathroom, taking a quick shower before getting dressed in the clothes from yesterday.

Once her hair dried, she put it up in a ponytail using a hair band she had on her right wrist. She let out a sigh, opening the door and walking out. Only Kido, Shintaro ,Momo and Kano were up.  Ah, Ene too of course, in her masters phone.

Kano grinned at her, leaning back on the couch,"Good morning, Ritsuka!~"He beamed happily. Ritsuka  ignored the cheerful blond, sitting down on the couch, she let out a sigh, wearing her usual emotionless expression.

Momo  walked over to her, sitting down next to her. She smiled at her, "Cheer up, it's not all that bad." She reached over to give her a pat on the back but Ritsuka just hit her hand away.

"Don't touch me."Ritsuka said, not looking at the idol as she said this.

Momo blinked in surprise.She slowly put her hand down, "Um..Sorry."She apologized,"..Can I do anything to cheer you up..?"


"I know, How about we go out and have some fun?!"Momo grinned.

"What part of 'no' don't you understand?"

"We can go to the aquarium, mall, and other places."Momo got up, grinning. "Come on." She took her hand, forcing her to get up.

"I said I didn't want to go!"

"Konoha, a little help?"Momo smiled. "If you come, I'll buy you food."

Konoha's eyes lit up. "Food.."He walked over to  Ritsuka, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. Ritsuka kicked her legs, squirming."Please stay still..We're getting food." He followed Momo out of the apartment blankly.

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