The meeting

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Jessi's POV 

Is currently 12 am  and I'm walking to go to the supermarket to buy some ramen.
Oh I forgot to say who I was. Hi I'm Jessica Park , born on 8 may 1991 . And I have finished university for music production . Tomorrow I'm going to an job interview and guess where...... SM Entertainment.  Yes babyyyy.  I hope I get it , so I can meet all the idols I love so much,  like EXO, Super Junior,  Shinee ( oh God I love them ) and a lot more.

Back to my walking. It's a beautiful night , the moon is full , a lot of stars are showing and nobody is walking on the streets.

Of course you idiot is 12 in the fucking morning! What the heck did you expected,  a road full of people? - author
Oh shut up author-nim I'm telling a story here.
You do know that I'm the one writing all of this right ?! - author
OK ok i got it , your the boss . Can we go back to the story?
Well of course my dear creation - author
Oh God how are we going to cope together?  Anywayssssss.


I reached at the market. Oh! Wired.Someone else is here.

Probably some wirdo like you who thought to go out and eat at this time is a good idea. Plus is a supermarket what did you expect.... to have animals buying stuff??- author
Author-nim !!!
Sorry continue.

He was wearing  Black jeans, a black shirt, a leather jacket, a hat , a mask , sunglasses... guess what ... they were all black. I don't get why is he wearing sunglasses at 12 AM?He gave me a mysterious vibe.
I decided to ignore him and continued my way to the place that holds ramen.

I looked through the choices that where offered. And BINGO I found them. I reached and the same time as me another hand got the same package.  Our hands touched. I looked up and met the mysterious guy . I was looking at his sunglasses like trying to read something from him.
But he got the ramen out of my hand.

" Hm , sorry sir." I said and the mysterious guy turned.
" Yes , is there a problem? "
" Well, I think you got something that is mine. " He moved his head on one side to show that he wasn't understanding.
"I'm talking about the ramen. The ramen that you have in your hands is mine . May I have it back , please? "
" Did you pay for this one? And why are you making such a fuss about this , just get another one. " he said in voice that sounded like he was  annoyed.
" No , I didn't pay for it but I saw it first and I was the fist one who grabbed it. And no , I can't get another one because that was the last one. " He giggled a little and said.
"Well I love ramen and this is my favourite one , so sorry but you can't have it. And what is with the I saw it first... What are you, 5 ? "
This boy seriously, I'm losing it. If he is not going to give me my ramen than I'm going to get it myself.
I made my way to reach his hand to grab the ramen but he was faster than me and moved away.
"Wow, hang on a minute. We just met . I don't go with people that I just met. Sorry. " He said. I can feel that he was smiling and was having a lot of fun out of this situation.  But me, on the other hand , I was ready to fight this boy just to get the fucking ramen and leave the heck out of here. But with what he said that was just too much .
" I bet you are pardoned! I don't know who you think you are , but I want that ramen and I'm not leaving without it. So give it to me!!" He raised his hand and I jumped to catch it. But God dammit my hight,  unfortunately I was too short. I got tired and stopped. He was laughing.  How could he.
" Sir we need to leave.  Are you done?" A man who looked like a bodyguard come and asked the boy in front of me.
" Yeah , I'm going to pay for this and come . Give me 5 more minutes " the man nodded and left . The boy turned to me , got to one knee  ( if you're wondering I'm on the ground trying to catch my breath from all the jumping I did, yeah  I'm not a sporty person ) and said:
" Well ramen girl , I need to leave it was nice to meet and mess around with you." What the heck is he on about?
" I can see that you want this ramen more than I do so.. here have it . I was going to give it to you in the first place but I just had to mess a little bit with you. Sorry , hehe." And he gave me the ramen. And I saw him with a confusing look on my face.  Like why is he giving this to ?
" Aren't you going to get it? "
" Oh , yes.  Thank you" I gave him a little smile.
" No problem. Now get up , call someone to get you and  go home because is getting late and don't go home alone is dangerous for a beautiful girl like you. See you , ramen girl."  Did he just called me beautiful???
He went to the cashier and paid all his thing. Before leaving he turned and waved me. And just like that he left.

I sand at the same place for a good 5 minutes,  thinking about the boy that I just talked to. Then I went to the cashier and payed. I said bye to the cashier and made my way home. All the time I had that boy in my mind, he looked and sounded strangely familiar. Who was he? And he called me beautiful???? Whatttttttt??

I opened my front door and got inside. I made my ramen and than I set down to eat it . After , I went to bed and I let myself drift into the dreamland.


Everyone wellcome!!! This is the first chapter , I hoped you liked it.

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Lots of love ♡

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