First warning

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Seat down and enjoyed . This is a long chapter 3200+ words. So get your popcorn ready.


What Xiumin said kept reaping in my mind over and over again. What's the meaning behind it? Who is that person? Jennifer? I hope to God no , or else I don't know what I'm going to do to her. But why did he asked me about that night? I'm not proud of what I did , but I wasn't on my right mind .

My father was the one who learned me how to use a gun. He always told me that out there are a lot of bad people who won't nothing but for me and us to get hurt and see us fail. But apart from them wishing it , they will take actions and cause us problems. So in order to protect myself and the people that I love, I need to know how to . Therefore he learned me some protection moves,  how to use a gun , how to use a knife also he learned me , where are the weak points of the human body, like where do I need to touch a nerve so he will be of for a few minutes or with a needle to paralyse him/her. You'll think that we are part of mafia or something and the company is just a thing to cover up all that but it's not. And I'm not telling you this just because it is my father's,  but before getting in and working i asked them for all the documents for the trades that have been done and stuff.  I've spent over 2 weeks with reading every sheet of paper and everything was legal, no drugs , no illegal things or any thing. Just pure work. But people still don't like that. We are surrounded by people who wish for the worst to happened. So that's the reason why I had to learn those things. They've come in handy sometime, when I've been in trouble on the road or someone else that I had no idea who they were. It's not a bad thing.

But let me tell you the whole thing how it actually happened so that you all won't thunk I'm some lunatic that have gotten out of a mental hospital.


It was a beautiful morning and I was getting ready to get to work. As I was about to get out of the house, my phone started to ring.

I got it on my hand and saw that it was a unknown number. I opened it because I thought it was a client or something like that. Because they call me sometimes to ask for extra information or anything like that. But I wished I hadn't opened it.

( the one on bold is the one on the other line , the other one is jess)

Hello? Is this Jessica Park?
Yes , this is me. Who are you?
Not important. I'm here to tell you that I need 12'000'000$ by the end of the day.
I'm not going to do such a thing. Who are you to threaten me?
If you still need your brother alive bring those money by 9 pm at the abandoned building at the road xxxxxx. Don't tell the cops.
What are you talking about? My brother is at his own home.
I wouldn't be so sure about it.

Then he hung up.

What was that all about? Who was this men? What does he means with your brother alive? And just in a few minutes my phone buzzed again. This time I  had an message. I opened it and as soon as I saw it , I fell on the ground. I started to cry. My breath was getting heavier and heavier. My heart beat was going crazy. 

It was a photo of my , now beaten up, brother. I texted them and said that they shouldn't touch him. That what they are doing now, I'll make them pay later. But they only said that I need to bring the money and that's all.

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