First day

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"WAKE UP IT'S TIME TO GET READY !!!!" I felt someone hitting me with a pillow. I looked at my clock. 6:00 am.
"WAKE UP,  YOU DAUGHTER OF A BISCUIT!!!!" I heard Mack's annoying voice.
"What the heck do you want? It's 6 in the morning , I have to be there at 10. That's like 4 hours till then. What is wrong with you? Let me sleep. " I said and got my blanket over my head. Did what I said stopped her?  No , of course not. Am I going to scream at her to let me sleep? Yes , I am.
"MACK WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT? I'M THE ONE WHO IS GOING TO WORK THERE AND YOU ARE THE ONE GETTING EXCITED? THE FUCK GIRL! " I screamed in the top of my lounges . I was way to tired to deal with her now. We had talked till 1 am and now she is expecting me to feel all energetic and ready to go. Well if that's what she is expecting, she is dead wrong.
"Ok I'll let you sleep. " She said.
Wow!! Did that actually worked? I tried to go back to sleep but
I hear a loud crushing noise from downstairs. What is she doing? Nevermind with all this things that just happened , there was no way on hell that I was going to fall back asleep.

I got up from my love of life a.k.a my bad, and headed to where the noise come. And it was from the kitchen. Don't tell me she is trying to cook? A little information Mack is a terrible cooker. She can burn even water. Like the fuck are you doing? It's water. I reached the kitchen and to no surprise I find Mack struggling to make what looked like pancakes .
"Mack. May I ask what are you doing? Or better what are you trying to do? Because clearly you didn't made it ." I said as I enter. She sight out of annoyances and banged the pan on the oven . She turnd to me with a frustrated look on her face and said "What does it look to you? I'm preparing breakfast for us but this is not working. The thing for the pancakes is not how it should be. But why are you up? You said that you wanted to sleep."
"Well did you let me to sleep? "
"I'm sorry! " than she turned around and continued her work. I went near her and saw that the pancake 'thing' was way to watery.
"You should put more flour. It's way to watery." I said to her and she looked at me and nodded. After putting enough flour in the mix everything was okay. She started to cook them.
"Well this will take a while. I think , why don't you go and take a shower but don't wear the new clothes. Wear something else ." Mack suggested.
"Ok ,I will. Please don't burn the house down while cooking. " I said and laughed at her annoyed face. I love Mack but I can't trust her enough to let her cook on my kitchen.
Anyways I got on the shower and during it I was mentally preparing myself for the new life i was about to start. Like I was going to work with a lot of artists and finally made my dream come true.

I love music. It always been my sweet escape. I started writing songs lyrics when I was in middle school. I still got them, some I even got the melody for, to some not. It's quite hard to come up with an appropriate melody for them ,knowing the fact that I wrote them a long long time ago . But I love reading them over and over again because they are like a source of inspiration for me. I have like 5 years that I have finished my university . And you may say why didn't I have started to work earlier? Well hear me out . My parents own a few companies. My two big brothers got a hold of it but it had some problems my parents had left behind. So to overcome this I worked there for the past 5 years. After they got their work back in track , I said to my brothers that I wanted to continue my dream , to become a music producer. Let's be honest here they don't't think that I will be successful but they did wish me good luck and if that doesn't work out I'll go back to work at our family company.

"Jess , breakfast is ready. Finish and come downstairs. "Mack knocked and the bathroom door .
"I'll be there in 5,okay? "
I hurried and finished my shower . I wore a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, just for now. I went downstairs to the kitchen.
"Hey,baby." I said to Mack as I set down on the table. She looked nervous. "What is wrong? Did something happened? "
"Oh ,no. I'm just worried how the pancakes turned out."She looked really worried about them.
"Well let's see . "I said and got a bite out of it. "Wow! This is good, it would be good to have a little bit more sugar but it is good." I said in surprise. It really was good. I was planning to say it is good even if it wasn't but this was really good.
"You are lying." She said in disbelief.
"I'm not.  Try it yourself. " I said. She did. She looked surprised herself. I burst in laughter.
"Wow. Did I just cooked that?" She said while eating more of it.
"Hahahah. Well it looks like you are starting to learn how  to cook. " I said. She gave me a death glare . And I returned it with a smile. We continued eating in salience. After finishing we put the dishes in the sink and then we went to my room to get me ready.

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