Back to School

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i woke up to the sound of that BLOODY alarm and immediatly, no 💗 first day back at school was never a vibe, theres annoying new children, and theres the children who think they own the place because they arnt the new ones anymore. as much as i was dreading it, i got out of bed for the one reason, and i mean ONE, that my best friend callie would be there, and i have not seen the cow ALL SUMMER, making it pretty shit but i survived. her family had dragged her off to bloody scotland, of all places. good place to live please dont stab me but not the best holiday destination, espeially since she was staying in a medievil castle with NO WIFI and they only had one day where it didn't rain. she told me this when she rang me from a cafe she was in about a week ago. this cafe was the only place they went with wifi, i love her parents but, are they okay?

even though theres no one at school i need to make a first impression on, as they have all seen me looking like an absolute wreck at least once a week when i sleep through my alarm and i all can do is put my uniform on, i feel as thought i need to look my best on my first day, its like a fresh start and a nEw mE 💗 

smelling and looking... my best, jk im a bad bitch i look amazing. anyways i walked down stairs ready to go to jail for another year, fun ✨ 

'morning eva,' my mum said, dad must have already gone to work, as i stood at the bottom of the stairs, asking my mum with my eyes to pleaseeee just let callie come to our house instead of school. but she only glanced and me and turned her attention back to the toaster. 'you look brill in your uniform.' she told me. i gigled at her trying to shorten words to seem cool. 'dont laugh at me im down with the kids! oh morning archie!' my mum said to my brother as he came charging down the stairs like an elephant, he grunted in reply and he pushed passed me, who was still stood at the bottom of the stairs, nearly knocking me over. he went straight over to plod our dog and sat with him and started bloody speaking to him like a baby. if only his mates at school could see him, hes in his last year at school and being cOoL is more important to him than his exams.

i began to make my way to the bus stop, hood up and headphones in listening to 'pulling leaves of trees - wallows' a/n would reccomend lol it was a five minute walk from my house to callies, and then from there another ten to the bus stop. i lowkey felt nervous to see callie again, what if she had made a new friend in scotland and forgot about me until last week so she told me she didn't have internet so i wouldn't get upset, or maybe she got a boyyyyfriendddd- i was interupted from my thoughts by callies mum opening the door, i hadn't even knocked yet how did she- 'hi eva! ive missed you,' she said stepping outside and hugging me, 'callie will be one second... oh did your mum tell you that you are coming to ours tomorrow night for dinner and a catchup?'

'oh no i wasn't aware, thats great news, something to look forward too!' she smiled at me. 

the thought from earlier were still buzzing around in the back of my mind so i decided to prove they were f a l s e. 'how was scotland? heard there was no wifi the whole time!' 

'oh i know, there wasn't!' i looked at her face intesley as she spoke, 'that was callies fathers idea, me and callie eventually found a cafe with free wifi so i could check facebook,' she said with a cheecky smile, her faial features gave off no immidiate sings of lying, of course im not an expert but she seems geuine. see they were just thoughts ✨ i smiled at her and as i did so i heard thumping noise, callie was almost falling down the steps she was in such a hurry, she was still shoving her jumper on and she was carrying her blazer in her mouth! she spat is out and screamed. i screamed too and we ran towards eachother and smothered eachother in a massive hug. after a while we separated, we had ended up on the floor, yes we are over dramatic and what about it? callie looked at her phone, her eyes widened, 'shit our bus leaves in 7 mins!' she exclaimed. 

'can we not just bunk off?' i asked. callies mother cleared her throat making us jump. she glared at the both of us and told us in a smooth fake nice voice that 'if you run you might make it,' we just stared at her before she giggled and told us to get in the car and that she would give us a lift to the bus stop.

we got to the bus just in time, although we had to shout to the already moody bus driver who sighed extreemly loud to make it known we were pissing him off. we said thank you and laughed behind our hands at his facial expression. he was so vexxed at us and for what? i would be to tbh but anyways...

callie and i went upstairs on the bus to sit with our friends but our bloody steats had been bloody taken by some boys in our year, 'don't they usually sit behind us? like at the back?' callie whispered to me. 'do they?' i wisphered back. i turned around to see what the reason was and of course, i recognised them from sitting on the bottom of the bus last year, they were the new ones last year and now they arnt so they think they own everything now.

one of the boys must have noticed us standing and moved so he was sitting on his friends knee. he turned to us, 'sorry for taking your seats, we didn't see you at the bus stop so we assumed you wern't going to be on the bus...' the boy nodded his head is the direction of the people in their seats. we nodded back to say we understood and callie sat down on the seat next to them, which was now empty, and patted her legs, gesturing me to sit there. i shook my head, ' ill fall off!' i exclaimed. 

'ill hold on to you, don't worry.' i giggled and sat down.

'so whats your name?' i asked as the bus set off, turning to the two boys, we found out the one on the bottom was called spencer, and the one sat on his knee was called payton, we told them ours, smiled politely and sat in silence for five minutes.

'callie we should go to the park after school tonight, get the last of summer.'

'oooo yes and can we PLEASE ha-' she got cut off as the bus made a sharp turn and i fell sideways onto spencer and payton.  i gasped and sat up as quickly as i could. callie was laughing at me and i had to supress my giggles, ill admit it was pretty funny, BUT i might've hurt one of them and i didn't want to seem rude. 

'are you guys okay... i didn't hurt you did i?' i asked.

'what? no! of course not,' payton said laughing, thank god.

'i am so sorry!' i said while giggling.

um i just redid this chapter so if u thought this one was bad, brce urselfs for the next ones, but i am trying to slowly go thru them all and redo them lol. also this took me like 1-2 hours and its still utter shite so like appreciate the dedication luvs xx

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