er thats rude

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a/n wait im just going thru this story to rewrite it and like what happens to the comments that were commenting on specific paragraphs 🙈 like do they delete themselfs or make absolutly no fucking sense in the comment section because some of the scenarios 13 year old me wrote are so fucking cringy i want to gauge my eyes out, like ayo pass the bleach queen 😝😻

music lesson

evas pov

out of all the lessons school has to offer, music is probably the best, only reason is i can have a laugh with my friends, do absolutly no work, and still get good grades, becayse its my only talent. im being serious i have nothing else to offer. its not like i could be described as a virtuoso at any instrument, but i have a nice voice i guess? and learn really quickly when an instrument is taught to me, like i understand it lol. i had a piano teacher when i was 12 who said she wished she has my musical mind, probably just saying that so i continued to pay her for lessons but you never know 🙈 

anyways i dont even want to go into detail on this lesson i cannot relive it so basically, we had to perform 😝😝 we had been practicing in groups of 4 or less for the past 5 lessons before the holidays, unfortunatly me and callie had 7 friends, but like us most of them had a bestfriend within them, exept haylee, for about 3 years we were more of a group of three bestfriends but then she got distant and we heard from multiple people in our group of 7 that she had said some pretty nasty stuff about us, so naturally she didn't sit with us for a couple of months but then she stopped sitting with her new friends, we never found out why, so she was on her own. thats when she finally apologized, and because we had so many memories together and we decided to give her a second chance, but shes been distant ever since and it's just not the same.

nontheless we went in a group of three with her, we hadn't practiced at all as a group in the holidays so just hoped she remebered it. but when we got up to perform, she asked 'what's the song again?' i just looked at her with wide eyes and told her to sit down, her part wasn't important anyways, she had refused to take part in her own bit, so she was just singing at exactally the same time as me, and callie played the piano. it went well but i still hate performing infront of people, anyways after we finished i noticed a face i recognised at the back, it was the block i fell on earlier, payton. he clapped extra loud 🙈🙈 and i defo blushed but shush no i didn't. and thats all im saying i an't even 💀


at lunch my friends and i sat on the field if the weather was nice, which it was. i noticed that payton and his friends were sat like 10 metres away from our circle, thats odd  i thought i had never noticed a group of boys sitting here before, not cool n that idk  i didn't think much of it and turned back to the conversation.

'so then i looked her dead in the eye and said, 'yeah and what about it'' i heard gasps so this must be a big deal.

'oh my god what happened?' emma asked, of course she asked. i've known her since nursery, been friends but not that close, and she always has wanted to know whats going on in other people buisness. anyone else would've asked the same question, but you didn't even have time to blink before she had asked.

'i have a detention on thursday lunchtime.' liv said smiling, i knew she wasn't going to go, and thats why liv and emma are perfect bestfriends, emma feeds of knowing drama, and liv feeds of creating it. i introduced the two about a year ago, call me matchmaker ion know 🙈

i zoned out from the conversation and found myself looking at the group of boys again, payton was there, bloody hell he seemed to be every where, i searched the 'crowd' for spencer. there was onl five of them so it shouldn't've been difficult to locate him, i saw the door to the building open and they came and sat with them bu it wasn't spencer still. maybe he was just paytons brother, or cousin idk? 'evaaaa?..' nah they didn't look like each other. 'hellooo?...' they would've introduced themselfs as brother probably? i dont know who even ca- 'EVA!' 

'huh? yeah... what?' i looked around confused as to who called my name. it was callie sitting right next to me.

'have you seen haylee?.. it's like shes dissapeared...' she said twisting her head to look around. but i had already spotted the ends of her hair blowing out from behind a tree. i pointed to show callie where she was.

'oh god what if shes crying?' callie exclaimed. 'just kidding hope she is.' she wisphered to me and i giggled. i lied when i said we forgave her! we just didn't wanna look like dicks to everyone else even though we are in the right, pls agree with me here, anyways, callie and i jumped up and began running to the tree. as we reached it i grabed her arm to tell her to slow down, ' just walk around it casually incase it's not her.' i wisphered.

'who the fuck just walks casually around trees? you knob.,' callie asked me, i giggled. we went with my plan anyways amd we were half right half wrong, it was haylee behind the tree but she was not crying. she was only bloody necking off with spencer from the bus. we saw this and just walked around the tree... yes like knobs as haylee laughed into spencers mouth, bruh im sorry that sounds gross um. 


there was our whole group of 7 on the bus home that afternoon as we had asked them all to come to the loal park as a whole group catch up, where we could have a bit more fun than in school. aka drink a shit tonne and pretend to be sober to your parents. to be honest it was brilliant practice for gcse drama. 

i was very pleased to see that as i was getting on, the children who think they own the place because they arn't the new ones anymore were sat dowstairs, we love to see it. i wondered why so i turned around to see who was sat there and i saw payton and spencer and their friends sat at the back, i wondered why they were all sat there since only the two i knew the names of got this bus. i didn't think much of it and was about to turn back around when i saw payton looking at me, he smiled and i smiled back before whipping my head back around and dying of embarassment even though it went perfectly, but bro what if he wasn't smiling at me that would be so embarassing i can't even. changed my mind im a bad bitch he probably was and if he wasn't, SO WHAT?

a/n this chapter has been updated and so it makes the next chapter not make sense, but ill try and update it as soon as possible, i doubt anyone will read this in the, hours or day i take to update lmao anyways thanks for still reading bruh can't imagine why u bloody are 

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