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I was so confused about my feelings, I wasn't understanding them. Elliott was making me feel this way, the fluffy brown hair boy and his big blue eyes and that bright smile of his could lighten up my day. The way he made me feel, I was so nervous around him, that sometimes I just wanna stare at the floor because of the embarrassment I was starting to get,while my cheeks slowly start to glow with red. They way my stomach ache so bad because of the butterflies flying around. And I have to be honest, I'm not liking this feeling. Well I kinda do? But it was towards him. And he's a boy. That's different. The whole school will think I'm weird, I'll be dead to my friends. Maybe it's my mind playing tricks, maybe it's because he understood me and we got along so well. Maybe it's not a crush. Was I really feeling and questioning myself?

"What did you get on 10?" Gina turned around tapping on my desk "I got-" I paused, I mean Elliot is cute. "Okay? What did you get? Also are you and Cameron a thing" she smiled big, I stared at her "I got 2.3 and what do you mean?" "I got 2.4 and I didn't round it, I mean the way she talks about you" she winked at me. I was confused it was a one night stand and I been dodging her ever since. "What is she saying?" "That you're pretty great in bed and you last pretty long" how? Just how. "I don't wanna hear it" I shake my head, starting to solve another problem. "You aren't proud of that? You're weird" she snickered, I raised a brow "what? Its true" she held her hands up, I nodded my head slowly "great" "Cameron said to message her" "I don't have Cameron's number" "Well now you do" she grabbed my hand scrubbing the number on my hand "ow?" "Ttyl" she smiled turning around. That was so gross. I rubbed my hand softly hoping it'll just rub off and I have an excuse to not message her.

The bell rang and I shoved my binder in my backpack leaving, it had me thinking on what Cameron was saying about me around school. I mean it wasn't a bad thing but still, I don't want anyone to know about our thing. I felt a small nudge "hey, wanna hang out after school?" Elliot clutch on his backpack straps, I felt a smile growing on my face "yeah where too?" I asked before he could answer, we got interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around us. It was Jayden. "What's up, I just wanted to remind you two that we're going out to eat to discuss and talk and you both better be there" he smiled at me "Im going?"Elliott looked up at him "of course man, you're our friend now" Jayden ruffle up his hair "I'll see you guys later" he said while walking away. I smiled at Elliott "He's weird" Elliott sighed "I'm sorry about him."


We all stood outside the parking lot near everyone's car, we just stood and talked waiting for everyone to be there and vote where we were going to eat.Nate jogged over to us with a bandage over his neck, we all let out an obnoxious sigh "what?" He chuckled. Michael walked over to him flicking his finger on the bandage "what are we, 7th graders? I expect more from you Nate" "what do you mean, I just got a bad pimple" he mumble "really?" Michael held a straight face while ripping the bandage off "Haley?" Nate stared at the floor disappointed "I knew it" Michael shakes his head. Cody soon came back with a spoon and a bottle of aloe Vera "your friends really do come prepare, they're really not here to play games" Elliott whispered in my ear, he let out a cough trying to hold in his laughter . My friend group was really just a huge joke. I mean look at them. We're at a school parking lot discussing about Nate's hickey while Cody held materials to help get rid of it. It was a huge joke.

"Can we all just stop focusing on Nate's stupid hickey and just eat, I'm starving" I shouted, Cody pointed the spoon towards me "I agree with him, I'm starving. I say we eat at shy's pizza" Daniel walked over to his car "no pizza is so gross now and overrated, I want something else" Nate groan crossing his arms "how about fruit? The ice cream shop is always serving fresh ice cream and fruit bowls" Elliott shrugged "Who isn't in the mood for fruit" Jayden smiled "let's go there" everyone agreed and got into their cars, Elliott and I went with Daniel who was now telling us stories about how he had these crazy stalker ex girlfriends. I stared up at Elliott, he caught me a few times but just stared and smiled back.

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