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I chewed on the inside of my cheek, not wanting to even look over at Jayden and Elliott and see their expression. Our principal slowly enter the room letting out a large groan "of course, boys will be boys" he sat on top of his desk crossing his arms "now let me hear the stupid reason" he pointed towards Jayden "and let me find it, it all started because of you! Is it really that hard for you not to put your hands down some taken girls pants!" He yelled "actually it's not about that but he did start it" Elliott shrug "they're gay" Jayden blurted out "and?" Mr khan said while walking to the other side of the office "that's the reason!" Jayden yelled "pretty pathetic am I right?" Elliott rolled his eyes.

Mr khan eyes wandered over to mine, he raised a brow "why so quiet?" He asked me, I was numb I just wanted to disappear. I shrugged as my response staring up at him with sad eyes, I mean the whole school is going to bully the hell out of me not just me but the person I care about too.

"I don't understand why that bitch isn't here" Elliott muttered, mr khan raised a brow at him "did I hear that correctly?" "You heard me, she's the one who started it. Did she really have to do that?" He sat straight in his chair "it wasn't any of her business to do that" it was her business she was trying to get Lucas" Jayden laughed. I glance over at Elliott who avoided to look me at me in the eyes, I didn't know what to do so I slumped against my chair. We all watch Mr. Khan walked over to his desk, getting on his computer "You're calling Cameron?" Jayden question "no" he responded not removing his eyes from the screen "Jayden you're free to go to class" he mumble, Elliott quickly stood up in defense "and what about Lucas and I?" "Jayden literally almost stomp on me, I don't know if you remember that one case that happened and it was something similar" I said.

"His mom doesn't come in another hour or two and I don't want to deal with him, and as for you Elliott your mom is coming-" I cut him off "you have to call ja-" he cut me back off "Jamie, yes I'm fully aware of that Lucas" he sighed, Elliott's mom soon bursted through the door staring at him and I. "Elliott your face!" She yelled "mom I'm fine" he rolled his eyes, she turned back to look at me wanting to say something but I guess she couldn't find the right words. The look on her face and the way she would glance over at Elliott and I, I wasn't sure if it was disappointment look from us being together or him not telling her about us. Jamie soon came after and the whole meeting was just about the fight and how we could've made better choices, but we didn't do anything wrong I mean Jayden came towards Elliott. I wasn't going to let him beat him up just because he was dating me. We were sent home and got suspended for two days.

"Lucas I can't believe you" Jayden sat in his chair, I narrowed my eyes shaking my head "what do you mean?" "You being gay" "what's so wrong about that?" I walked over to him, he had a smirk. "Bible says it's a sin to be gay" he nodded, Elliott budged in the conversation "it's always a sin to drink and have sex and you do that every weekend so don't say shit, you're the least person to even talk right now" I looked up at him and he still didn't want to look at me. His mom pressed her hand on his back shoving him a bet to make him walk away, she frowned at me "Lucas-" she paused and gave me a fake smile before leaving out with him. Jamie wrapped her arm around me giving me a small hug "I'm sorry Lucas, let's go home" she mumble in my ear, my eyes started to burn from them watering.


I laid in my bed while staring up at my ceiling, Andy burst through my door "you okay?" He looked at me "I heard you got in a fight" he mumble sitting on the corner of my bed. I didn't say anything but nodded "wanna talk about it?" He asked, I shake my head no. He frowned at me "Jamie and I are always here" he gave me a soft smile "we can make you whatever you want for dinner, and for breakfast and for lunch. Anything" he smiled "shit, I'll even make you mix drinks. You know I make the best" he winked at me, I sighed "I'm fine thanks, I appreciate it" I rolled on my side.

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