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I yawned while throwing my backpack over my shoulder, I grabbed an apple for a quick snack. Elliot said he couldn't pick me up today, his sister was going on a field trip, something like that. "Why did Elliott leave so early?" Jamie asked, I shrugged "just busy" I nodded "they fucked jamie, stop asking questions" Andy rolled his eyes sipping onto his milkshake, I felt my cheeks burning up "I have to go to school" I waved leaving the apartment quickly. I was already running a bit late.

I walked into class quickly sitting at my desk, I huff while fixing my hair glancing over at clock.  Elliott said he'll be here by lunch, it seem like theses next three classes were going to take forever as clingy as that sounds.


"I'm going to buy a truck" Michael leaned against my desk I nodded "nice" I said while writing a few things down from the board. "The guys and I were talking about having this whole trip over in the summer where we go somewhere nice and just chill for a whole week" he nodded "do you guys know where?"
I asked while looking over at him, he shake his head "how about Hawaii?" I suggested, his eyes widen with excitement "perfect" he grinned while nudging me softly "why didn't you stay longer yesterday? You know I could've took you home right?" He smiled "I know thanks, I just needed to help Jamie and Elliott reminded me" I nodded "but I appreciate that" "where even is Elliott?" "I'm not sure but he said he's going to be here by lunch" I said while writing, I glared up at him to see him nervously chew on his pen "you good?" I asked "I like this girl" he sighed "then ask her out" "Jayden is going to make fun of me though" He mumble "Michael, Jayden's dick is going to fall off in two or three years. It doesn't matter what he thinks or says" I stared at him making him laugh "I guess you're right" he laughed "well I'm taking her out today for lunch, so I'm leaving early" he waved at me "good luck" I smiled at him.

I shoved things in my backpack, getting up from my desk I stood by the door waiting for the bell to ring. I glance down at my phone to see if Elliott had message me but he hadn't, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me making me turn around to see a small group staring at me and of course it was the 'popular' upperclassmen. I raised a brow "what? Did Cameron tell you something?" I rolled my eyes "yeah" one scoffed "seniors taking junior classes" I muttered rolling my eyes again "what was that fag?" He said shoving himself between the group "what did you just call me?" I said fully turned around "you heard me, making up some bull shit lie just to date Elliott. That's ashamed" he snorted, my eyes widen "what do you mean?" I cleared my throat, I felt my heart drop, my knees weaken. Was it a mistake what I heard? A girl held a phone up to me and out set was a post on Cameron's account revealing photos of Elliott and I on our date.She took the photos while we went to his room when she came over, I slid to the next photo and it was us kissing I quickly slide over to the other and it was a family photo of his. I scrolled down to see a large paragraph and how she pinned point things. Was this some nightmare I'm in? I stared up at the girl with horror who had a frown "I'm sorry" she whispered before shoving her phone back into her pocket as the bell rang. Elliott. Is all I could think about.

I could feel and hear my heart pounding out of my chest, my stomach ache. I grabbed my phone and begin to call Elliott, I didn't want him to get here at school. I walked out of the classroom quickly as the phone continued rang and went to straight voicemail. I felt like puking, I needed to be out of school. I called him again only for him to not answer making me spam him with messages, and begin calling him again multiple times . What's so hard to answer and say you're okay even reply back with a at least just a small text? Anger was starting to build up in me, why would Cameron do that? Well was it really necessarily? But then fear started to take over, what's going to happened? What about my friends? What are they going to do? What's going to happen to Elliott?

I walked by the lunch room to see Elliott entering in, My eyes quickly went to find the boys only to see Jayden tall figure stand up approaching Elliott with anger. "Elliott!" I yelled running over to him, I watched Jayden grab him by the collar of his shirt "you made me look stupid!" He yelled into his face, Elliott's eyebrows furrowed shoving him away "you make yourself look stupid" he replied back while stabbing his finger into his chest. I shove him away shaking my head "Jayden don't, I can explain" I said pressing my back against Elliott. . "You disgust me" Jayden muttered before punching face causing me fall to the floor, I held my cheek. "You're both just a bunch of fags!" he yelled, Elliott's blood boiled he shake his fist before throwing a punch to Jayden making him fall back, he quickly grabbing onto Elliott's t shirt pulling him down with them. I rushed over to them trying to pull them apart "Cody! Nate! Daniel!" I struggle to yell, but there was no response they all continued to look down at their foods and kept eating. My eyes begin to water, Elliott threw himself away from me, making Jayden walked over to me ready to stomp on me. But he was stopped by a punch to the head by Elliott, the teachers grabbed onto us pulling us away from each other. "Elliott" I said shaking my head trying to push back the tears, he had a bloody nose and a cut lip. Was this my fault? I just wanted to say sorry. But I couldn't even talk. Everything was stuck in my throat.

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