The Beast

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Its eyes are kind and gentle when you meet

Its skin white and pure, free from any sin

Its tongue made of silver charms you like a snake

Until you lower your defenses and let it in

When you let it it, you see it change

Its body bend and contort

It shows its true form

Leaving you nothing to resort

Kind eyes turn cold like a candle blown out

Smooth, soft skin is cut and corrupt by thorns sharper than a knife

Yet one thing remains

The silver tongue to control your life

The beast is quick to work

Destroying your walls

Letting in the other monsters

They make you feel small

The monsters torment relentlessly

For they do not hear cries

Only the beast controls them

But it likes the pain in your eyes

You yell and scream

But it falls on deaf ears

For they surround you and trap you

Till you drown in your tears

As you sit in the cage

You hope, you pray

That someone will save you

That they'll bring back the day

But the beast has grown wise

It knows you too well

It knows that you want to escape

from it's cell

It tells you

'I'll free you when I see fit

Make me happy

And I will submit'

But you have also learned

You know the beast, too

You know all the beast wants

It to control you

Fighting back has made you weak

Of strength you can't regain

The monsters surrounding you

Have you all but drained. 

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