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Jimins p.o.v

I fucked up i fucked up i fucked up i fucked uuuup big time.
Did not mean to say that at ALL. Now she's probably gonna disown me right? Nobody wants a pet that's actually in love with them right? That's wrong, right? I'm getting disowned I'm getting disowned I'm getting disowned I'm getting disoooowneeeddd

That was all that was running through my head.

"I just want you for myself"

I couldn't have fucked up more, oh god.

Y/n's expression look a bit shocked, taken aback perhaps, her eyes widening and a... a blush...?
A wide blush appeared on her face, going from lightly dusting her cheeks to going further to her ears. The corners of her lips soon turning up into a smile, and at moments like these I wish I couldn't stop time.

She looked utterly adorable.

She took a small step forward, and soon after another bigger one and quickly embraced me in a tight hug, her face resting in the crook of my neck as she stood on her tippy toes.

"I'm sorry baby... but you have to understand that some people I know I'm also really close too, we all here have a past and it effects us, most people I'm close with you can trust, they wouldn't do anything to me.." she whispered into my neck, her lips gently brushing against my skin causing shivers to run down my spine, my hands not long after snaking their way around her waist.

"I should be sorry... I'm the selfish one here... I just want you all for myself in my arms, you just make me feel so safe and loved.." I said back, hoping I didn't say anything that would be considered stepping over the line.

"How about your get me all for yourself later?" She asked, looking up at you. She clearly not seeing the, sinful, meaning those words could have as my face starts beating up and I pray to god that my head doesn't put image-

too late

now let's not get a hard one please

"We cuddle the whole day and night after we come back home, hm?" She continued thankfully distracting me from the sinful thoughts in my head.

close one, lil Jiminie

close one

a cute kitten (Jimin hybrid AU ff)Where stories live. Discover now