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You were sitting on your couch watching some tv, it was a pretty day, a perfect one for you. It was a bit sunny but the clouds were able to cover most of the sun up, the light breeze was telling you that fall is right around the corner. You decided that going for a walk would be a good idea, since you didn't have anything better to do and you're trying to desperately lighten up your mood, today wasn't a very pleasant day and if you were honest it's a terrible day.
You got up from the couch and started walking up the apartment stairs to get your car keys, you passed by your roommates door and slightly peeked through it just to see him smiling and laughing with his hybrid. You smiled at the sight and softly spoke.

Y/n: "Jin I'm going for a walk.. I'll be back around 7 or 8" you said as he got up too the door that you were standing in and pulled you in into his arms

Jin: "Alright, I'll prepare dinner so it's ready when you're back, and remember to call if anything happened" he said as he held you close in his arm, it was nice, he was practically the only person in your life that actually somewhat cares about you.
His bunny hybrid joined the hug, his strong arms squishing you tightly that you almost felt your ribs crack.

Y/n: "A-alright jungkookie.. y-you're killing me.." you said as he immediately loosed up his grip around you.

Jk: "Be safe" he said with the worlds cutes smile showing off his cute big front teeth.

Y/n: "I will, don't worry about me guys" you said with a small smile as you walked away to your room.

It was pretty big, or at least it looked since you didn't have much there, you didn't find a reason to buy anything. All you have is a king size bed and a drawer that were already here when you moved in, you had a mirror above the drawer and a small table besides the bed. You took your keys that were on top of the drawer and looked at yourself in the mirror.
You looked terrible.

The bags underneath your eyes have never been as visible as they are now, probably cause of the lack of sleep you've been having the past days and cause of exhaustion from overworking yourself at your job. Your hair was a mess, it looked as if you haven't brushed it in days, which you haven't to be honest.
Your grip around the keys tightened as you looked at yourself in the mirror, you saw some tears forming in your eyes as you felt them get more watery. You quickly whipped your eyes and loosed the grip of your keys as you felt them digging inside your palm. You took a deep breath and started heading down the stair and straight towards the door.

You slipped your shoes on, yelled a quick goodbye and walked out the door. The light breeze flew by your hair that you tried to untangle with your fingers. You walked towards your car, opening it and stepping inside, you sat there for a moment before putting the keys in the small hole and twisting them to turn the engine on. You drove off wherever your wheels take you and your heart desires.


You were driving for a while and zoning out, not noticing where you're actually going, you took a look around you and it seemed like you drove pretty far away from your city into the countryside. It took you a moment before realizing where you were, you continued driving into a small forest, knowing that not far from here was a big lake. You looked over at the clock on your phone, great, it was already 6:30, and you only had 3%, just great.

You parked your car on the side of the road and started walking towards the lake you could see from the gaps between the trees. After not that long you arrived in front of the lake, you let out a sad sigh and sat down on the dirty sand, your black sweatpants became all sandy but you couldn't really care at this point. You sat there for a brief moment and zoned out completely, staring at the water and the slow movement you could see in the water caused by the fish. After a while you could feel some small raindrops fall on top of your nose and hair, so you quickly put your hood over your head. As the small rain slowly started to get worst, you were about to get up and head back to your car when you saw a figure running towards you, but they weren't running normally, they're limping yet they're still trying to run as fast as possible. Your heart started beating intensely as you're unsure of what to do, should you run? Or help the person?
You stood up confused as you noticed that this wasn't just any person, it was a hybrid, you noticed the ears on top of this young mans dark blonde hair.

While you had your small conversation with yourself in your head the young hybrid starting to get closer to you collapsed onto the cold and wet sand, the rain got even worst as you ran towards the hybrid curled into a ball looking as if it was in extreme pain.

Y/n: "O-Oh my g-god are you alright?" You asked in extremely worried but right after you realized that it was a stupid question as you could clearly see that they weren't okay.
You looked around the creature that looked slightly up at you, you saw bad bruises and wounds bleeding on the hybrids face.

???: "h-help me.." the hybrid said quietly as it's head fell into your hands. In the distance you saw another man trying to run, they were way bigger then both of you and they couldn't even walk in a straight line.

You quickly grabbed the hybrids land and swung it around your shoulders as you got up with them, they couldn't really stand as you noticed the blood tuning down their leg as something was stabbing it.

Y/n: "C-come on, my car isn't far from here" you said quietly as you started walking to your car that wasn't that far away, you tried walking as fast as you could to get away from the man chasing the hybrid but it was really difficult since the hybrids weight was shifting onto your shoulders, they may have looked as if they didn't weight much at all but the slightly taller male felt like they were double your weight.

Y/n "w-we're soon there..!" You said with hope as you saw your car, the hybrid must have noticed it too since it started trying to talk even faster, but hissing in pain immediately, they still continued trying which was such big help as you felt like loosing you're balance. The rain was pouring down badly as you opened the car doors to the passenger seat and seated the hybrid there. You quickly turned around only to see the man starting to catch up, already going into the forest only meters away from the car. You quickly ran on the other side of the car to the drivers seat, you noticed the broken glass bottle in the mans hand, it seemed it was from that the hybrid got the wounds on its head.

You quickly started the car and drove off away from the drunken man, you still saw him chasing your car as you were driving off.

Y/n: "Y-you need to stay awake.. don't fall asleep" you said as you noticed the hybrids half closed eyes.

Y/n: "I know it might be hard but just listen to my voice okay? I'm Y/n" you continued to ramble some random things only to keep the hybrids attention, it seemed to be working as you tried to get home as fast as possible.


To be continued~~~

Aish my first fanfic, hope it's not too bad tho ehehee

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Till next time ~

a cute kitten (Jimin hybrid AU ff)Where stories live. Discover now