Chapter 27

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Jessie's POV

That day was the last day we spent together, because after that our schedules got crazy busy. Katy had to go back to New York for a couple of days, then she was all day, everyday working on The X Factor, and I was travelling everywhere for gigs and interviews. I think I was so jet lagged I didn't even know what jet lag was anymore.

During these last two weeks I had barely even spoken to Katy, or anyone else for that matter, except for the people who were literally around me.

"When are we going back to London?" I asked my manager during lunch, as I tried to get some food in my stomach. I was so exhausted I had no appetite.

"In two days, Jess. I told you yesterday, when you asked." he replied and I huffed. "I know you're tired, we all are. If you physically can't take it anymore, we can try and reschedule the next gigs and interviews, but chances are they'll just be cancelled for good."

"No, I can do this. It's just two more days." I said and forced a smile to him.

"Come on, we should get going, we have a 45-minute ride to our next location, you can get some sleep in the car." he told me.

I tried calling Katy, but her phone was off, so I turned mine off as well and walked to our car.

Katy's POV

During our quick lunch break from the London auditions, I took my phone to check some emails and texts. I saw that Jessie had called me twice earlier, but when I returned the call it went straight to voice mail. I sighed. I got so frustrated when I couldn't reach her, and I rarely could. Of course I wasn't mad at her, since she was as busy as I was, I just wish we could spend more time together.

The auditions would end on friday, and Jessie had her weekend off this week, so I was thinking of planning something for us both, a surprise for her. I was tired and she was tired, so I just wanted us to do something together to relax and enjoy each other. I just had to figure out what.

"Katy, you need to get back now." one of the producers told me. I left the barely touched bowl of salad over the table and opened a package of gum, putting one in my mouth, then walked back to the judges table, and waited for the next contestant.

There were so many talented people in this town, it was amazing. Of course, there were many people who were simply disasters, which could be quite fun and funny at times; but a lot of them had raw and unique talent and voices and regarding those, I want to be able to buy their CDs one day.

After two days of some terrific and some dreadful auditions, X Factor moved to the next city, and I could rest for the weekend, and spend sometime with Jessie. She was going to arrive this evening, and I decided to wait for her at her apartment. I didn't have the key to it, but I had talked to Natalie about it and she would let me in, of course.

Jessie's POV

After my plane landed we still had to wait half an hour to get our luggage, plus 20 minutes to go home from the airport.

All I wanted to do was take a hot bath, but it was too much work to put it together now, so I would probably just fall on my bed and sleep for 12 hours or more. I opened the door to my flat and felt this amazing smell of food, which confused me because Natalie doesn't cook, ever. I walked in and the kitchen was empty, so I moved to the living room, leaving my baggage aside. The table was very nicely set for two, which was even more weird and unlikely something Natalie would do.

"Nat? What's going on?" I asked aloud, waiting for her to appear. "Am I interrupting something?"

As I started making my way through the house to try and find her, I saw Katy emerging from the hall.

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