Chapter 8 - A Bookworm

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd person's P.O.V

You were sitting down with Satori, You were brushing his hair like he was your brother. He giggles " That tickles Y/N!." You didn't understand why he never takes care of himself. Satori remembers something " Yuki! You said you got Y/N a present." Yuki was reading a book and he peaks over " Oh umm...what are you talking about?." Satori said " Oh come on! You know what I mean." You stop brush his hair, Yuki blushes " Satori I don't have anything for Y/N." Satori begs "Give it up Yuki." Yuki gives up, he pulls out a book from his backpack and walks to you. He said " I picked out a book that I thought you might enjoy." You see a brown book, you pick it up to examine the cover. Yuki's face turns pink, He said " We know. Discuss about it together." You look up at him " I appreciate the gift Yuki." He backs away " Hehehe at your own pace." Satori giggles at Yuki's embarrassed look, he look he had butterflies in his stomach. A few moments later, everyone in the club was busy. Satori was talking to Moniko, Naruki was writing a poem and Yuki was reading a book. Naruki was giving Yuki the stink eye. Yuki noticed " Naruki? Is something wrong?." Naruki looks away, Yuki puts a hand on his shoulder " You can tell me anything." Naruki slaps his hand away " Don't touch me! I'm fine. I don't need your stupid help." You were reading Yuki's book, Naruki was mad " Is that all you care about Yuki? You and your dumb Books?!." Yuki gasp " Books are literature! Unlike your Manga books." Moniko ask " Is one of my club members upset?." Naruki grunted " Would everyone stop asking me? I'm okay." He gets up from his seat, Naruki marches out the door and slams it. Everyone was just staring at the door, Moniko inhales " I guess literatures over."

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