Chapter 10 - The Festival

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd person's P.O.V 

You were walking down the halls to find the literature club. Satori was sitting at his seat " Good morning Y/N!." You smile " Good morning Satori, you look very excited today." Satori ask " Hehehe....could you possibly buy me a snack Y/N?." You answer " No you know I'm not a piggy bank." Satori moans " Awww! But Y/N I'm hungry." You ask " Then why don't you buy some yourself?." He starts to sweat, Satori gets hit in the face with a cookie. Naruki said " Just shut up and eat something." Satori takes a bite out of the cookie and then, clasps his hands over his mouth. He cries " I think I bite my tongue." You said " My god! How hungry are you?." Yuki was in the corner reading a book, Naruki ask " Where's Moniko?." Yuki looks up " Probably late, I haven't seen him." Satori was still eating " You don't he's hanging out with his girlfriend?." Everyone's eyes widen, Yuki said " Impossible! He would've told us himself." Naruki disappears to the closest " I'll be reading in closet."  Moniko walks through the door " Sorry I'm late. I was just..." Satori ask " Eh? Moniko chose the club over his girlfriend after all!." Moniko ask " Girlfriend? Don't be silly. I was just practicing singing for my last class." Yuki said " I didn't know you like music." You sat at your seat, Moniko sighs " Now that we got that out of the way! Let's get down to business." Everyone sat their seat and Moniko said " Okay everyone! The festival is only few days away. I given everyone a job." He continued " Yuki I need you to make decorations." Yuki just smile, Moniko points to Naruki " Naruki I need you to make treats for everyone." Naruki sarcastically said " Wow thanks lot Moniko!." Moniko said " You're welcome! And Satori you know what to do." Satori laughs " I'll make poster for everyone to see." You felt a little hungry, you got up from your seat and left without anyone noticing.

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