The train is leaving the station

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The question was bothering me as Ron stormed away. And when I have a question I get the answers. I apparated into the compartment hoping Draco was still there. And he was. And I asked this question, and this question only. "What are we to each other?"


"What are we to each other?" These words fell from Hermiones lips. I was in shock. Hadn't she made up with the weasel? Well then she wouldn't be here and asking this question. I didn't know in all sincerity what to I did it the Malfoy way. I smirked.

"Whatever you want us to be Granger...." I said slyly. I thought this would shake her into silence but it didn't. She simply sat in my lap and cuddled into me.

"I don't know what we are Draco but it isn't just something I can brush off my shoulder." She looked into my eyes. And my heart warmed. Her chocolate brown eyes stared into mine and I could hear my heart thumping in my chest.

"So your my girlfriend then?" I asked grinning. She grinned back.

"As much as I wish it could be that way....I don't think that Hogwarts is ready for a Slytherin and a Gryffindor to be in a relationship together." She whispered

"Then we'll show them!!" I said frowning. She grinned at me.

"What if we show them but not really?" She said and giggled. 'What is going through her head?' I thought. Then it suddenly clicked we would date, but in secret. But how could she possibly think this was a good idea? What if they got caught. When he brang these questions to her attention all she did was grin and say...."I thought Malfoys were fearless...Live in the moment Draco." And that was all I needed to hear in order to snicker and pull her lips into mine. We kissesd passionately. Her taste was just right....gingerbread, and
Vanilla....We pulled apart and looked at each other intensely. Her chocolate brown eyes staring into mine....


I stared intensely into Draco's stormy grey eyes. They filled the air with electricity. He leaned in for another kiss when the train whistle announcing it's leave from the station. "We have to go! I cant beleive that we missed it. I said jumping off of Draco's lap. I kept on mumbling under my breath. When I realized I was just ranting I looked up to see Draco grinning wildly. "What?" I asked. A smile fighting to play on my lips. His smile was contiguous.

"It seems in fact, Ms. Know-it-all certainly does not "know it all." He said still grinning.

"What do you mean?" I asked scowling. I did not like the Nickname generally, but it gave me some credit for all of my hard work.

"We can apparate." Draco said matter-of-factly. I looked at him like he was crazy. Obviously he hasn't read "Hogwarts: a history".

"We can't apparate inside of Hogwarts! Not with all of the charms and enchantments to keep out unwanted visitors." Draco rolled his eyes.

"No, but we can apparate to the first year boats and ride there with the rest of the first years and Hagrid!" I hadn't thought of that. I grinned and reached for his hand.

"Well then what ate we waiting for?" I asked smiling. He grabbed my hand into his and we were gone with a loud POP!

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