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I bought a bucket of Neopolitan Ice Cream then a girl with an umbrella with Pink,Brown and White hair appeared in front of me.

Y/n:Can I help you?

She used her Scroll to communicate with me.

???:Hey there.Can I have the whole bucket?:)'Smiles.'

Y/n:Ahh... no this is for me and my Teammates only.

She Pouted then she sigh and gave me a look that she feels sorry for me.I wonder wh-

She kicked me between my legs.I fell on my knees while holding my crotch.

Y/n:Why did that hurt me.

She then stole the Neopolitan Ice Cream and ran.I also checked my pocket and my
Wallet was missing! I chased after her.

*Start song

She was a little fast.She entered a bus.As I was near the bus it's doors closed.

I saw her on the window winking and her toungue out.😜

I got frustrated so I chased after the bus with her.the bus is so fast but I was catching up.she was shocked to see me.

there was a bus stop nearby.I smirked and she was scared to see me.

then I ran into a stop sign.She laughs and gets off the bus.And ran inside in an abandoned house.

I still chased her.Inside the abandoned house there were many doors.

*She used her semblance

When I entered the abandoned house I saw there were 5 of her exactly the same.and entered a door I blindly chase them.

No One's PoV

Meanwhile Neo is just sitting and watched Y/n chasing her illusions.

Meanwhile a spoon pop up out of no where.And she started eating the Ice Cream.

few minutes later.

Neo's illusion's ran out Y/n can now see the real Neo eating half of the bucket.She smiled and started running again.😀


Y/n again chased after her.This time she entered a mall.and Y/n chased here there.She entered an elevator.
Y/n also entered the elevator.

*Break time!

Y/n:So uuhhh... can I have a taste?

She then hugged the Ice cream a little tighter and looked at Y/n and shaked her head😡.

Y/n:I'll take that as a No.

*Ding Break time is over

She then ran faster and Y/n chased after her.She then jumped and used her umbrella as a parachute.

*Place is top of a buliding.

She landed safely on the ground.Y/n accidentally slipped and fall of the building.


Y/n crashed in the ground and created a human shaped crater.Neo had worried look😓.

Y/n:I-I'm Okay

Y/n gave a thumbs up.Neo sigh in relief.She waited for Y/n to get up.Y/n dusted himself.

Y/n:Now where were we?

Neo used her scroll and told Y/n that he was chasing her.



Neo ran and Y/n chased her.Neo's scroll received a message.Neo looked at it was Roman.

✋Neo signal Y/n to stop.

Y/n:Uhmm.... Yeah can I hav-

Neo got angry and hiss at Y/n.


Y/n puts his hands up to show no threat.

Neo just continued texting Roman.Y/n leans over trying to see who she texting.Neo looked at him.Y/n looks away whistling.

Neo finished texting Roman and started running.

Y/n:Can I at least have my Wallet back?!

We were at the docks Neo is getting tired she thought of a Plan.She stopped.Panting.

Neo pulled out Y/n's Wallet.she was about to give it back to him but.

Y/n:Thank y-

Neo then threw it in the Ocean.


Y/n then jumped in the water and tried to get his Wallet back.

*Y/n is waterproof.

Neo Laughs and went back to Roman.

Y/n got his wallet back. but he was drenched.Then a Raven showed up and started laughing at him.

*Y/n doesn't know yet that Raven and Qrow can turn into birds.

Y/n:Can this day get any worst?

Then the Raven then pooped on the top Y/n's head.Y/n then looks down and sigh in defeat.

*End Song

He went back to the Ice Cream shop.

Cashier:Hello how may I help-

Few seconds later

Cashier:It's the Neopolitan girl isn't it?


Cashier:First time?


Cashier:Do you want another one?

Y/n:I'll take F/f(Favorite flavor).Why didn't you told me sooner?

Cashier:Business kid nothing personal.

Y/n Pov

I paid the cashier with wet Lien.then headed back to Beacon.Then I heard there was a recuitment in the White Fang.

I then returned to our dorm.We talked about what happened to me Azy Laughs.Ciel almost laughed.Penny was worried.Then we started eating the Ice Cream.

The Purple Petal(Fnaf Bonnie Male Reader x Rwby(Penny)Where stories live. Discover now