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Y/n:Oh.How's Beacon?

Mr.Polendina:Beacon has fallen.Y/n.

Y/n:Did eveyone made it out alright?

Mr.Polendina:Here are the list of the students that didn't make it.

He hand me a scroll with the names of the disease students. I don't know most of them. Team FNKY Lost a member, I feel bad for them. I smiled when I saw whole Team CRDL didn't made it. I saw Phyrra on the List.

Y/n:Phyrra Nikos? H-How? She's strong what Grimm killed her?

Mr.Polendina:Not Grimm rather our own kind.

Y/n:I don't understand. Who and Why would they do that? I thought were only against Grimm.

Mr.Polendina:They took advantage of Grimm. They used it against us.

Y/n:Who's they?

Mr.Polendina:I will tell you when the time is right for now we need to rest. Most of the students of Atlas Academy dropped out.


Mr.Polendina:They saw the reality of being an Huntress or an Huntsman.

Y/n:Guess their cowards huh.So when will Penny wake up?

Mr.Polendina:It's hard to say she almost died. Maybe in a few more days?

Y/n:That's okay I'm just glad she's alright.

Somewhere in the corner I saw the two souls that we released from the old abandoned restaurant and a third soul.

Elizabeth:Hey Y/n! did you miss us?

Y/n:Mr.Polendina I need to check something.

Mr.Polendina:Okay I understand.Nice talk.

I left the room and the three souls followed me outside.

Y/n:Nice see the two of you again. who's the third one?

???:Hello Rabbit did ya miss me?

Y/n:Wait Rabbit the person who called me that was........Roman Torchwick?!

Roman:Bingo.You're a smart Rabbit you know that?

Y/n:I don't know if you call the type of animal of a Faunus.I think that is racist.I have a name you know. Of all the people of Remnant why him?

Elizabeth:Well.....Have you heard the Bite of 87?

Roman:No! don't tell that to him!

Michael:You want redemption.Right?

Roman mumbles something.

Michael:Say sorry to Y/n.

Roman Sigh.

Roman:I'll try. Rab- I mean kid I'm Sor.So...Sorr..... Do I really have to say that word?

Y/n:Try the word apologize.

Roman:Too long.

I rolled my eyes.

Roman:I'm So...

Something horrifying appeared on Roman.

Roman:I'm SoRRY.Never do that again!

Michael:Sorry I thought you needed that.

Y/n:Hahha. What was that?

Michael:My semblance. I can make people see their worst nightmare. I'm still practicing it.

Y/n:That's cool.

Elizabeth:So do you want to know the Bite of 87?

Y/n:I'm curious so. Yes.

Michael:It's okay.Roman we forgive you and it's not your fault.

Roman sigh.

Roman:Okay,Let's take a trip to memory lane shall we?

The Purple Petal(Fnaf Bonnie Male Reader x Rwby(Penny)Where stories live. Discover now