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Luke's POV^

Luke do something, don't just stand there. I stood there staring at Rebecca. She was like a different person from when I saw her in the airport in an oversized hoody and looking as white as a ghost. She look amazing , so amazing I just stood there doing nothing. Her gorgeous blue eyes and amazing blonde hair. "Luke!" My thoughts were interrupted by Ash yelling my name. "Oh right yeh I'm luke" and with that I walked right past her and sat down. Well done Luke you have just blown your chances with the most beautiful girl ever.

Rebecca's POV

What did I do to make him act like that I barely know him. From the minute I met them all I thought they were all gorgeous but Luke caught my attention but now I don't know. So I went and sat with Ashton.

Ashton's POV

What is up with Luke? he never acts like this. I went and sat down soon joined by Rebecca. I spent the whole night chatting , laughing and getting to know Becca. Yep that's my nickname for her ;) we had only been talking for about two hours and it feels like we have known each other forever. When I first met Becca I think I had a small crush on her but who wouldn't she was gorgeous. But as I got to know her I realised that she feels like a Sister to me and that I should be protecting her rather then dating her. which was also probably a good decision because more then likely there is a que of guys waiting to get a chance with here including the 1D boys. But to me she is a sister.

I looked over the table and caught Luke giving me devil eyes. What was that for? But then I realised that I had my arm around Becca. Now I know what's wrong with him. He has a crush on Rebecca!

As we were leaving the restaurant I managed to catch Luke. I told everybody else that we were going for a walk and that we would meet them in the hotel in 30 minutes. "Spit it out Luke" "Spit what out?" "why have you been quiet all night?" "I'm just jet lagged" "that's rubbish, now tell me the truth " "it's nothing" "well why were you giving devils eyes when I had my arm around Becca?" "Oh so now you refer to her as Becca? That answers everything " "Luke, there is nothing going on between me and Becca and there never will be. I know you like her so stop acting like an idiot and go get her ! " "It's not that easy Ash" "and why not? because you acted like a douche in front of her ? you can fix that, now go get her before someone else does!" "fine I will., but I will do it in my own time" "tonight" "maybe...." "LUKE!" "I said in my own time Ash" and with that he stormed off.

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