He's Back!

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NCT Dream was scattered all over the living room of their dorm. They made it back from an intense dance practice and hadn't even made it to their rooms before they crashed onto couches and chairs.

Everyone was shocked that both Mark and Haechan could actually make it back to the 127 dorms. They didn't even want to lift a finger at the moment.

A laugh came from the other room and the five jolted up and stared at the source. A brown haired boy was standing there. His hair in a messy style, and ring on his finger. They hadn't seen him in a while, but they recognized him.

"JAEMIN!" Jeno cried in happiness, launching himself at the boy who got tackled to the floor. 

"Jeno get off the poor boy." Renjun said jokingly as he walked over to the pair sprawled out on the floor. He gave both Jaemin and Jeno a hand to help them off the ground. 

Chenle and Jisung, overcoming their initial shock ran over and hugged their hyung who ruffled their hair.

The only one present who hadn't said hello yet was Mahina. Jaemin turned his head, only to have Mahina lock eyes with him. Her eyes drifted down to the ring that she'd given him the day he was injured. Mahina couldn't deny she felt a nice feeling that he was wearing it. She had an unreadable expression painted across. Silence rang throughout the room.

The suddenly Mahina tilted her head to the side and cracked a grin. "Welcome back Nana." The girl stood up and walked over to him. She gave him a wide toothy grin. "It was boring without you. I'm glad your back."

Jaemin let out a soft smile. "It seems like so much as changed." Mahina pulled away from the hug and jerked her thumb towards the ceiling.

"The pancake is still glued to the ceiling if you want a snack." Indeed the pancake by some miracle was still stuck on the ceiling from over a year ago. The residents were simply too lazy to try to get it off, so it stayed.

Jaemin gave a big laugh before Jeno started to cling onto him again. Mahina watched in amusement as Renjun tried to get the boy off.

She dug the phone out of her pocket and unlocked it. She pulled up the video call app and rang up Mark, knowing Haechan would most likely be with him. 

Once the pair of boys picked up the phone, Haechan trying to grab it from Mark and that sort of chaos, Mahina flipped the camera. "Hey hyungs guess who you missed."


YAYYYYYYYY Jaemin's back! :D

But on another note I would like to thank all of you guys!

This book recently just reached 1k votes and over 27k reads. It truly means a lot to me that you guys are reading this. I know I'm not the best writer and my upload schedules are whack (haha sry bout that) so I love that you guys are reading this.

It truly makes my day when I see votes and comments for this. I love responding to them all! And for my silent readers~ don't think I forgot about you. I hope you are enjoying this a lot.

I recently got a comment the other day from someone saying how they loved my book. And wow that just brought a smile to my face~

So from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for reading this :D

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