Chapter 1: All My Loving

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Rogers POV
College was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I've skipped most of my classes and I was almost thinking of dropping out. At this moment I'm laying on my bed in my dorm room staring up at my Beatles poster, contemplating life. I've always had a passion for music, I love drumming and I don't think I'm too bad of a singer, but I've never gotten the chance to share my talent with the world.

Suddenly, my roommate, Mike, storms in the door with a piece of paper in his hand and a huge smile in his face.
"Roger, you might want to take a look at this." He said as he handed me the piece of paper.
I grabbed it from his hand with a confused look on my face, my face quickly turned from confused to cheerful as I started reading it.
The paper read:
Looking for a drummer for our band.
Must be experienced and willing to play gigs etc.
If interested, come to the music hall where auditions will be held.
Ran by; Tim Staffell and Brian May.

"Isn't this great Rog!? I found it on the lamp post outside, I think you should audition!!" Mike said with excitement.
"Oh... I don't know Mike... I don't know if I'm good enough." I started to doubt myself.
"You must be joking You're the best drummer I know!" He said
"I'm the only drummer you know, Mike." I said slightly raising my eyebrows at him.
"That doesn't mean you're not good! Go and audition."
"Alright fine, when is it?" I asked.
"Tomorrow morning."
My eyes widened at those words.
"Mike, that's so soon! I haven't practiced in ages!!" I almost yelled.
"Well then go to the practice rooms now. You still have time." he said.

I rolled my eyes, grabbed my coat and drums sticks and headed out the door.
I looked up at the darkening sky as I walked down the path into the main building. I opened the door quietly and stepped into the building. I walked in the direction of the practice rooms looking down at my feet as I walked. Suddenly a man bumped into me knocking my drumsticks out of my hand causing them to drop on the floor making a loud noise.
"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry let me help you." the man said picking up one of my drumsticks as I picked up the other. I lifted my head as the man handed me my drumstick. As I grabbed the drumstick from him I slowly looked up his arm to his chest and then carefully looking at his face. He had beautiful curly brown hair and stunning hazel eyes.
He smiled as we met eyes.
"You play the drums?" He said with a sweet smile on his face.
"Uh... yeah" I said awkwardly smiling back.
"Oh... well, me and my friend are... starting a band." he said with a little giggle "We're having auditions tomorrow if you're interested."
I smiled when he said that.
"Oh yeah..." I said, probably blushing a bit. "I know. I'm just going to practice now."
I saw his eyes light up when I said that.
"Hey... I know we just met and all, but do you think I could come listen to you practice for a bit... I have my guitar in the instrument storage room, we could jam out a bit" he said laughing.
I thought about what he said for a moment and then agreed.
"I haven't practiced in a while" I warned him. "So sorry if I sound like shit." He responded with another giggle and we headed off to the practice room.

As we walked I turned to him and observed him once again. He was much taller than I was, nearly a head taller, maybe two. I smiled as I felt a warm feeling inside. "Oh, I nearly forgot." The man said breaking the silence. "I'm Brian."
"Oh I'm Roger." I said smiling once again. God, all this smiling was giving me a headache. "Roger Taylor." I continued.
"Well, nice to meet you Roger Taylor."

We made it to the practice rooms after Brian grabbed his guitar. We stepped into the small soundproof room and closed the door. I took a seat on the drum kit tapping the ride cymbal a few times.
"Ok lemme see what you've got, Taylor." Brian said pulling up a chair beside the kit.
I smirked at him. 'Why not give him all I've got, there's nothing to lose.'
After that thought, I started playing. I didn't know if I was being too loud, or too quiet, or too fast, or too slow, I was just concentrated on impressing Brian. I looked up from the kit a few times to see his reaction, and he just sat there with an opened mouthed smile. I took that as a good sign and continued playing.

After awhile I decided to stop. I looked at him with a concerned face waiting for his reaction.
"You're bloody fantastic!!" He said standing up. I started to blush and said "Thank you."
"So, do you want to play a few songs?" Brian asked grabbing his guitar.
"Sure." I said smiling.
"Do you happen to sing?" He asked.
"Uh... yeah a bit" I said
"Awesome, what song do you want to play?"
"Umm... you can choose" I responded.
"Alright then..." he said thinking.
"Do you know 'All My Loving' by The Beatles?" He asked.
"Oh of course!!"
I said with enthusiasm
"I love The Beatles!"
"Alright, let's play it!" He said looking in my eyes "You better sing with me though."
"Alrighty." I smiled then counted in "1, 2, 3, 4!"

"Close your eyes and I'll kiss you
Tomorrow I'll miss you
Remember I'll always be true
And then while I'm away
I'll write home every day
And I'll send All My Loving to you
I'll pretend that I'm kissing
the lips I am missing
And hope that my dreams will come true
And then while I'm away
I'll write home ev'ry day
And I'll send All My Loving to you"
I smiled as we sang.

I got ready to start singing back up.

"All My Loving I will send to you
All My Loving, darling I'll be true

Brian had a little guitar solo and then I started singing some harmony.

"Close your eyes and I'll kiss you
Tomorrow I'll miss you
Remember I'll always be true
And then while I'm away
I'll write home ev'ry day
And I'll send All My Loving to you
All My Loving I will send to you
All My Loving darling I'll be True
All My Loving All My Loving ooh
All My Loving I will send to you"

We finished and then just looked at each other, smiling.
"That was beautiful, Rog. You have an amazing voice" I smiled at the compliment and him calling me 'Rog'
"You too, you're a very talented guitarist" I said back trying to make an equally as charming compliment.
"I like you Rog, come to auditions tomorrow and see what Tim thinks of you" Brian said smiling at me. "I better get going though, that was the most fun I've had in a long time, see you tomorrow?"
"Yes, I'll definitely see you tomorrow" I said smiling back.

Brian then left the practice room waving me goodbye. I stayed a bit longer and banged on the drums for a bit. When I left the building it was pitch black. I walked slowly back to my dorm smiling to myself thinking of the great time I had with Brian.

When I entered my room Mike was sitting at his desk doing some work.
"Oh boy Roger, you're blushin'. must've worked hard" Mike said observing me. I walked over to my bed and jumped onto it lying on my back. I let out a big sigh as I smiled at my ceiling.
"Roger, what happened? You seem awfully happy" Mike said walking over to me and taking a seat on his bed.
"Well..." I started "I ran into Brian, the guy from the band, and we sorta..."
"You fucked?!?" Mike yelled interrupting me.
"No Mikey!! We jammed out together, god..."
"Close enough." Mike said walking back over to his desk.
"You know, he's a really nice guy, Mike. He's really good at playing the guitar and he has a beautiful voice, oh, and he's really tall!" I rambled on.
"Wow, it sounds like you fancy him, Roger..."
"No Mike! Can't I just compliment someone without being told I fancy them? plus, I'm not even gay." I said rethinking every word I formed.
"I don't know Roger, you might want to rethink that last sentence you said. You've always talked about guys like that." Mike said.
"Like what?!" I said in an angry tone.
"I don't know, almost... lovingly?" He said looking over at me to see my reaction.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I said as I rolled over in my bed trying to act confused. The truth was I actually did feel that way... I didn't think I was full blown gay but I did get feelings for guys once in a while, and Brian was most likely one of them. Even though I just met the guy, I felt a connection that I hadn't had with anyone before. I got this feeling when I was with him, I can't describe the feeling but all I knew is that it felt good.

I just couldn't wait until tomorrow.

I Was Born To Love You- MaylorWhere stories live. Discover now