Chapter 5: Regret

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Roger's POV
"You're WHAT!?" Mike basically screamed in what looked like anger.
"I-uh..." I didn't know what to do.
"I was just joking about all that queer shit!! I didn't think y-you actually WERE!!" I could see his face getting red with anger.
"I can't believe this!!"
I was absolutely terrified. I could feel my eyes well up with tears.
"I don't even know what to say or do Roger!!" He yelled while grabbing his coat.
"W-where are you going...?" I said quietly, my bottom lip quivering.
"Anywhere where you aren't!!" He yelled then slammed the door.

What have I done? Tears streamed down my face, regretting everything I had said. God, why did I have to tell him? I wish I could take everything back. I sobbed into my pillow. Was he going to come back? He had to... were roommates, there's nowhere else he can go, right? I have no idea what I'm going to do. I've just lost a friend... a best friend even. Maybe he'll rethink this and come back? Gosh, who am I kidding? He'll never forgive me...
Forgive me??
What the fuck did I do?
I was now not just filled with sadness, but with rage as well. I needed to talk to somebody.
God, but what if Brian's homophobic as well?
I can't risk that.
Yes I can, I've already lost one person. Why not lose them all.
I grabbed the campus phone book and looked for Tim and Brian's phone number.
Fuck, why do I let myself do this.
I found the number and quickly dialed. Hoping that Brian would be the one who answered.

Brian's POV
The phone started to ring. Tim wasn't here so I picked it up.
"B-Brian this is Roger... I need your help p-please." The line went dead.
I stood there frozen for a few seconds.
Something was wrong with Roger.
He was crying.
He needed my help.
I quickly slipped on my shoes and dashed out the door.
My heart was racing and it wasn't from the running, I was scared. God, if anything would have happened to him I don't know what I would do.
Suddenly, I stopped running.
What was his room number again?
1... I know it started with a 1.
1...2? No that didn't sound right.
1...1... yeah
113? No
11...116! That's it.
I continued running and soon arrived at his dorm.

I knocked on his door frantically, tapping my foot anxiously waiting for him to open the door. I saw the door knob turn slowly and my heart rate quickened once again.
The door slowly creaked open and I was greeted with a sniffling Roger.
"Rog, what's wrong??" I said as I walked in, grabbing his two hands and cupping them with mine. His hands were cold and moist with tears.
"I-" Roger stuttered. He led me to his bed and we both sat down. I stared into his tearful, crystal blue eyes waiting for an answer. When he didn't answer I put my hand against his face, resting my palm against his cheek and wiped a tear away with my thumb.
"Roger," I started. "What's going on?" My love.
He looked up at me, lips quivering.
"I-It's Mike."
Who's Mike?
"Uh- my roommate."
It's like he could read my mind.
"He...uh. No I- um."
Roger was having so much trouble trying to tell me, I couldn't bare it. It broke my heart to see him like this. Suddenly, without any thought, I pulled him into a hug, wrapping my arms around him tightly. I never wanted to let him go.
He buried his face into the crook of my neck letting out a sob. I took my hand off his back and brought it up to his head, stroking his hair.

We stayed like this for what seemed to be an eternity. Just Roger in my arms.
For a few moments it felt like we were the only people in the world, just him and I.
Eventually it came to an end.
I slowly let Roger go, sliding my hands down his arms then grasping his hands.
"Are you ready, Roger?" I said in a sympathetic tone.
He nodded then began to speak.
"M-Mike. He y-yelled at me and left. I... don't know i-if I'll see him again. H-he hates me now that-" Roger stopped himself and started to sob again.
"Now that what, Rog?" I asked.
Roger looked up at me with total fear in his eyes, I could tell that he didn't want to tell me. A single tear fell from his cheek onto the bed sheets as he started to talk.
"T-that..." He bit his lip and closed his eyes, as if he was waiting for some sort of sign to continue.
I felt some sort of spark go off inside me when I heard that. I let out a bit of a smile and pulled Roger into another hug. I was happy to hear that he was gay, but so utterly disgusted that a friend of his would do that.
"I can't believe someone would do that to you, Rog." I started.
"You did nothing wrong. You were brave enough to tell him who you really were, and if he can't accept that then... then he can just go fuck himself."

I heard Roger let out a little giggle which made my heart light up. I pulled out of the hug and looked at Roger's beautiful ocean eyes. I placed my index finger under his chin, tilted his head up, and began to speak.
"Roger, you are a beautiful, kind and talented person, I hope you know that. Don't ever let anyone make you feel badly about yourself, ever. You are so much more than Mike will ever be. Don't let him bring you down."
Roger let a huge smile spread across his face.
He looked at me for a few seconds and then dove in for a big hug, pushing me down on the bed. He laid on top of me, his head right underneath my chin, squeezing me tight. I closed my eyes and smiled, never wanting this moment pass. Then suddenly, I heard something that made my heart flutter.

"I love you, Brian."

The End

(Sorry to the people I told that I was going to add on, I decided I'm going to end it here. I'm going to start a McLennon fan fiction soon so if you're into that then go check it out)

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