Chapter 4: Maybe I Am

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Roger's POV
"We would like to welcome... Roger Taylor into our band."
I was overjoyed to hear those words. I was now in a band with Brian. I could get closer to him and become friends, maybe something more. Jesus, I don't know why I keep on thinking of him like that. I'm sure he wasn't gay, and for all I knew, I wasn't either.
"Alright, all ye other losers get outta here." I heard Tim say, jokingly. Brian gave him a light push and rolled his eyes.
God, he was cute when he was annoyed.
"You all did great." Brian said making up for Tim's comment. "Why don't you come with us Rog and we can hang out for a bit."
I nodded and smiled while walking over to Brian and Tim.
"Ay, why don't we go to that new café?" Tim said. "I haven't had anything to eat yet, I'm fucking starving."
"Alright, let's go then." Brian said as we all started walking.

Brian's POV
I'm so glad Tim liked Rog. We can finally have a full band now. Roger was really talented and so was Tim, so I'm sure we'll go somewhere with this band. Or at least I'm hoping.
We made our way out of the building and started walking towards the café.
"So Roger, tell me about yourself." Tim said looking down at Roger. Roger was much shorter than both me and Tim, which I found adorable.
"Oh... well, I really like rock and roll, obviously. I'm working on a degree in Biology, which isn't going too well." Roger giggled when he said that. God, his smile was the best.
"I've been drumming since I was like 12... oh, and I also sing a bit."
"Oh a bit, Rog? You're a fantastic singer!" I said while giving him a little push on the shoulder.
"Thanks, Brian." He said, looking at the ground, blushing.
"Oh really?" Tim said raising an eyebrow. "Well that's great news. We always need back up singers."

Soon we arrived at the café. We took a seat at a table, Roger sitting next to me. We continued to talk about things related to music or school. Roger let our little giggles once in while, Jeez it was killing me. I'm so fascinated with this boy and I don't even know why. I've never felt feelings like this before, it was weird. But the feelings felt good. It was like happiness, but better. I've barely known Roger for a day, but it already feels like I've known him for a lifetime. I know I sound crazy, and I probably am... but I can't help it.

We ate our food and then started to walk back to our campus.
"Hey, why don't we meet up again tomorrow?" Tim said. "Just come over to our dorm at like...four? Or whenever you can. Our room number is 204."
"Yeah, four will work." Roger responded. "My room number is 116 if you need it."
I'll need to remember that.
I don't think I can wait until 4:00 tomorrow to see Roger again. But I'm sure I'll run into him before then. That seems to happen quite a bit.

Roger's POV
Brian, Tim and I arrived back at campus and parted ways. As soon as I saw them disappear in the distance I started to sprint back to my dorm. I just couldn't wait to tell Mike that I'm in the band.
I haven't been this happy in quite awhile.
I got to my dorm quickly and opened the door.
"Mikeyyy..." I said slightly singing. "Guess what..."
"What...?" Mike said looking up from his school work smiling.
"I'm in the band!!"
"That's awesome, Roger!" He said jumping up from his desk giving me a high five.
"I'm meeting them again at 4:00 tomorrow." I said smiling.
"So what's Tim like?" Mike asked.
"He's nice."
"You attracted to him also?"
"No! Jesus, Mike." I yelled.
"Hey, I'm just joking. Calm your tits." Mike said chuckling to himself.
I rolled my eyes and went to go sit on my bed. We sat in silence for a bit. God, Mike thinks I'm gay. I mean, I don't blame him. If I was anyone else but myself I'd think I was gay also. But now that I think of it... Maybe I am...
I've always thought I liked girls but maybe it's just society putting that thought my head. That men are meant to like women and women are meant to like men. I bet if there were no categories like that, there would be a lot more gay people.
And that's when it hit me.
I am gay.

I haven't been attracted to very many men. In fact, I don't think I've ever been attracted to a man that I've met in real life before.
That is until I met Brian of course.
Like, Paul McCartney's cute, I've always thought that. But I've never met him.
I guess I should have seen that as a sign. I guess I just thought it was normal.
But... what am I going to do now?
Am I going to tell someone?
What about Brian?
Am I ever going to tell him that I like him?
I'm going to have to eventually. I know that. I can't keep it hidden forever. It's just that, what if he doesn't like me back? It'll ruin our friendship... and the band.
I'm just... gonna need to look for clues, I guess. Little signs that he likes me.

I looked up at my ceiling and sighed almost forgetting Mike was still here.
Mike must have heard my sigh because he quickly said, "You ok, Roger?"
I know I'm going to have to tell him at some point. So... why not do it now.
"Um..." I started, hesitating if I should keep on going. "I- "
Come on you're not a pussy Roger just tell him.
"I think I'm... gay."
I looked up nervously to see his reaction, and I'm not sure if I liked the look on his face...

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