Chapter 5: Turtoring

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~Daniel's POV after school~

Finally the bell had rung foe the end of the day. Just as I finished putting away my things from the previous classes and I closed my locker I saw Dottie.

"Don't forget your little date" She said giggling. My face began to heat up.

"I-its not a d-date"

"Oo I bet you want it to be though" even more giggling.

"D-do not!" My face burning now I can only imagine how red my face is right now. "And y-you good that I-I can't make it t-to day?" I say trying to change the subject.

"Oh yeah as long as you tell us how your date went" and with that he left giggling and not giving me time to retort. As I made my way towards the fountain with my face burning up from what Dottie said. It can't possibly be a date right? I'm just getting my hopes up I thought to myself as the fountain came into sight. When I got closer I could make out the figure of Blaze on his phone, waiting for me. I hope that he wasn't waiting here for too long.

"H-Hey Blaze!" I called out to him as I got closer. "I d-didn't make y-you w‐wait to long d-did I-I?" Oh Irene please say no.

"Oh hey Daniel, you didn't make me wait too long. Now are you ready to learn some science?!" He excitedly said with a closed eye smile. I started to feel heat rise up to face, Irene just from his smile. How?

"Y-yeah I g-guess m-my h-house or y-yours?" Why did I even ask that, it has to be his house right? At that thought my face starting burning. He had to have noticed by now. I can only guess how red my face is right now.

"My house is pretty close and no one is home either so it would be quiet too" He was typing on his phone, probably just texting his parents. "So does that sound good?" He questioned putting away his phone. I just nodded my head not wanting to embarrass myself. He smiled and grabbed my hand leading me to his house.

~Smol Time Skip~

We finally got to his house. The walk wasn't that long then again he did say he lived closes to the school. He unlocked his front door and went in with me following. We made our way upstairs to his room. It was kinda messy with some dirty clothes here and there.

"Okay let's get started" He said while plopping down onto his bed and took out some textbooks. "Let's start with some easy stuff then move onto the harder stuff and maybe play video games after?" He said that last part with a small chuckle. Blaze handed me the textbook that we were suppose to go through for homework. "Okay read the chapter we are suppose to and just point out things that you don't get okay" I nodded my head then started to read.

"Bl-Blaze wh-what does this m-mean?" I ask the read headed male while pointing to something to something on the first page we were suppose to read. When he saw the thing that I was confused about he sighed and i got a little worried. "I-I'm sorry i-is th-this s-suppose to be easy?"         
I asked him with a worried voice.

"No it's fine, this is why I'm helping you" He smiled then started to explain what it meant. This went on for quite a bit of me just asking him questions about science. "We're done see easy" Blaze said while closing up the textbooks. "Are you hungry I could get us a quick snack if ya want?" He asked me while leaning back and laying down onto his bed.

"S-sure sounds g-good" I answer him. Blaze gets up then heads downstairs. Man when he said quick he meant it, it has only been like five minutes and he's already back with some sandwiches. "Y-you sure a-are f-fast" said with a small giggle while he handed me my sandwich. We were just sitting on his bed eating our sandwiches.

"Its getting pretty late you should get going" He said after we finished the food and checked his phone.

"Y-yeah th-thanks" I said while getting up and heading for the front door. Right as I was putting on my shoes Blaze stopped me.

"Wait! We should exchange phone numbers" Blaze said while handing me his phone. I blushed. He is asking for my number. I took his phone and handed mone to him, when I got it back I looked for what he put himself under.

"S-science m-man?" I questioned while he out his phone away. His face went a little red probably from embarrassment.

"Thought it fit, anyway want me to walk you home?" He asked.

"No I sh-should be g-good. Th-thanks for the o-offer though" I smile to him then head out. Honestly he helped me so much. How does he even know that much about science? I chuckled at the thought.

880 words

Hey guys! Sorry if this was a little short, like I said I went on a camping field trip with my grade for two nights and couldn't bring technology. When I finally got back I got right to work on making this only problem was that my phone stopped working yay! So then my dad gave me his old one but it was laggy as heck so finally I got a new phone as my early birthday present. So finally this chapter is out which was suppose to come out like a week ago. Again sorry for the wait

Till next time!

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