Chapter 14: It's Okay

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~Third Person POV~

Daniel ran his way out of the school. He tried to wipe away the tears but more would quickly replace them. Daniel took a quick rest at the water fountain to send a text to his mom, to make sure she wouldnt think he was kidnapped or lost.

"Wh-what if B-Blaze did just h-happen to lose some b-bet and is just waiting for the p-perfect t-time to b-break up w-with me?" Daniel said his thoughts aloud. Sniffing a bit, his tears did slow down a bit finally. "Blaze c-could maybe b-be like that since E-Ein somehow acted all n-nice for Aph-Aphmau." Daniel got up from the fountain and made his way to the park.

His thoughts were a mess and he could barely make sense of it. A lot more were telling him that Blazes intentions really were bad. That it was all some joke. There was very little of the other thoughts trying to make sense of everything, and calm down.


Daniel heard his phone go off. So he went to check it as one does. It was a text. A text from who? None other than Blaze. Sniffling yet again and wiling off the dried tears from his face, Daniel opened the message.

'Hey we gotta talk.'

That's what the message read. Daniel's heart began to thump just a bit more. The three dots showed up meaning that Blaze was typing. Heart rate increases a bit again.

'Let's meet up at the cafe near my house after school.'

Heavy breathes were leaving Daniel's throat. 'Calm down. Calm down. Just talking.' The thought went through Daniels head quickly. 'What time is it? When does school end? Should I just go back for the remainder? How long have I been out here anyway?' Daniels head was just filled with different thoughts.

'Uh sure I'll meet you there'

Daniel sent a quick text before he forgot. Sweat was building up in Daniel's palms. No matter how much he tried to wipe it off on his clothes, the sticky and hot feeling remained. His throat seemed to be constantly dry, which was just not a good feeling to have. 'Surely it just can't be that bad right?'  

It took a moment but Daniel was able to recover his thoughts from going haywire on the walk there. he spent a lot of the walk checking his phone, trying to see if Blaze sent anything else. Maybe like how he shouldn't be worried. How them talking had nothing bad involved with it. But to Daniel's dismay, no texts were received from Blaze. Actually no texts were received at all during his walk there. Making the walk seem all the while longer. 

Daniel made his way passed Blaze's house and with that the cafe came into sight. All his nerves came rushing back. Palms started to get sweaty, seemed like his throat was drying out again, and his head was full again. No matter how hard Daniel tried to empty his head, nothing seemed to work. No matter how hard he tried to calm himself down, it just was not working. As Daniel got closer to the cafe, he saw the fluff of red hair of the werewolf he was so nervous about. Trying to take in deep breathes to try and maybe calm himself down even just a little bit. Daniel opened the doors and made his way over Blaze. 

"Oh hey Daniel." Blaze said looking up from his phone, after noticing Daniel sitting down at the table. "I'm just going to come out and say it-" At this Daniel's head exploded. 'This is where he is going to break up with me.' It seemed like as soon as Daniel calmed down, he was right back up with his nerves going every which way. "Daniel? Helllllooo? Earth to Daniel?" Blaze's voice broke through to Daniel finally. "Hey it's alright. I know I probably could have started that out a bit better. But what I mean is that. It's fine."

"H-Huh?" Daniel's confusion took display on his face. "Wh-what do you uh.. do you mean?" Confusion laced with his voice. Although it got his nerves to kind of calm down, Daniel was now more confused then anything. 

"I mean everything's okay. Some kids showed me the picture, which is pretty dumb, but I mean I'm fine with it, and I wanted to meet in person since I know that you can get pretty nervous about these kind of things. So you know I just wanted to make sure everything was fine with you in person. Since it is easy to lie over screens."

"O-oh..." Daniel's voice was quiet. What Blaze had said was no where near what Daniel had expected him too. It was also a lot better than what Daniel thought so it gave him some relief. Though he was still pretty nervous about the whole situation. "Uhm.. Erm... Th-thank, thank you" At this Daniel began to fiddle with the ends of his sleeves. 

"Hey, hey. There's no need to thank me, okay?" Blaze reached his arm over the table and cupped Daniels face. "So just breathe okay? Everything is okay Daniel." At that Daniel softly nuzzled into Blazes hand. Blazes face went a light shade of pink.

"O-..Okay" Daniel gave out a shaky breathe. "Okay." Daniel repeated taking in a deeper breathe. The two boys fell into a comfortable silence while Daniel calmed down. Blaze didnt say anything and used his thumb to slightly rubbed Daniel's cheek. Daniel was just trying to calm himself down. Eventually they did order some drinks and just talked. It took a moment but, they did fall back into normal conversations, laughing and just enjoying being with each other.


973 - word count

This is a fairly short chapter so sorry about that. Its just gotten kind of hard to write at the moment. I know where I want to be taking the story I just dont have the motivation to write.
Sorry for the super long wait too. School has started so I'm hoping that although I'll have less time I'll get the motivation to start writing again.
Anywho see ya next time!

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