Chapter 24: Gonna Find Her..

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Shou's POV

I'm here at the school rooftop alone when..

"Shou-sama!!!!" gosh this fiance wannabe, Michiro

"Yoh RJ.." Kris together with Joy and Miharu

"Glad you guys came up!!" I was relieve when Kris and company came for our plan..

"So, what's the plan?" Joy asked

"I don't know where to start, but guys..Are you ready to skip class?" I said, their eyes wide

"WHAT!!!!???" they all said

"Bro, are you kidding..we will be graduating soon, are you nuts.." Kris overreacted

"Gosh!!! Shou-sama, I want to get my diploma before we get married.." she hit it again, in your dreams Michiro

"Yeah!! Shou-kun, Diploma first before skipping.." Joy reacted

They all reacted except Miharu...

" Chill guys!! We are going to skip class with permission from the school principal.." I assured them

"Weh?" they don't believe me

"Here's the proof!" I show the permission paper from the principal's office

"Wah!!!!!! It is true!!" they all said

"See!" I told you guys

"Now, it settles the agony, what's the plan Mr. Kurosawa?" Joy said

"Joy, I know that you and Mich have been together for so long.." I said

"Yeah why?" Joy respond

"My dad told me that Michiyo's Mom is  been living in America for years, so probably.." I paused

"So bro, you mean that Michiyo went to her mom.?" Kris spoke up

"Not sure but Joy, you know where her mom live?" I asked Joy seriously

"Okay fine, to be honest I know where her mom live, but I don't think Mich will go there.." Joy explained

"Why?" I asked in confusion

"Because, you know Michiyo will never depend on her mom, they have a deep family issue, that is that I don't know.." Joy said

"Wait a sec?" miss Fiance wannabe spoke out

"What is it now Michiro?" Kris react

"Will go to America, so do you all have passport and visa?" she asked

"Of course we have, and for the visa its all settles..right Kris?" I glance at Kris

"Yep! All settles.." Kris assured

"So guys! Are you with me?" I said

"Of course!!!" Joy raised

"Me too!" Kris also raised

"For my best friend! I'm In!" Miharu raised

"How about you Michiro?" I asked her

"No choice! I'll help on finding your walk away girlfriend.." She then said, so it settles we are going abroad to find her and bring her back..

"So when we will leave?" Kris asked


Meanwhile in California......

Michiyo's POV

It is been a week since I left home to be away from him..Still living my life here in Cali with my mother, speaking of our relationship, We are in good terms now despite her busy schedule as the President of our company here..

"Michie.." my mom used to call me that, geez! so puppy like, but I'm use to it..

"Yes?" I respond

"Still thinking of that boy?" Is she a mind reader

"Nope!" I said straightly, denial queen as always

"Really eh?" she said and sit beside me, we are here in my mom's condominium 

"Mom..." I faced her

"What is it?" she asked

"Is this the right thing to do?" I asked her

"Let me asked you something?" she said

"What?" I Asked

"Does that boy important to you? Tell me honestly?" she confronted me, I felt my heart skip beat when she asked if he is important to me..I can't deny it, I'm not stubborn to deny it, well here goes..

"Mom, to be completely honest to you,  At first I totally hate his guts, as well as he..but when our fake relationship gone through years, I realize that he is good to be with and honestly he is so important to me, by this time I think.." I paused when..

"You love him..." she concluded, nothing to deny she knows now..I just nodded

"So you love him, why did you run away from him?" she asked

"Its my way to move on, because its not right when I'm there faking to be his girlfriend when he likes someone else and the girl he likes felt the same as his.." I look by the window

"Who's the girl?" She asked

"My best friend, Miharu.." I said still looking to nowhere

"That is sure one lucky guy..What's the name of the boy?" she clueless 

"Shou Kurosawa.." I told her

"Kurosawa?" she was shock and I look at her face

"Yeah? Why?" I asked

"I think he has a connection with your childhood friend.." this is about my childhood days

"Huh? Are you serious Mom?" I said

"Yes..because that boy's mother is my best friend together with the girl's mom you said named Miharu.." she said to me..we all have connection, why? how?

" you know where Shou's Mom live?" I asked her..

"Yup!" she said

"Where?" I asked

"I know she is been in.."


Update after more than 2 months!!!!!!!

 Hope you keep in touch....

by: Zel_25

June 3, 2019

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