Chapter five

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Cecilia pov

The sound of birds chirping woke me up. Sun shone through the window to my room and i stretch lazily. After the unexpected trip to Italy a good long rest was what i needed.

My joints crack when i sit up. One look at the clock tells me that it's the middle of the day and the note beside my clock tells me that dad has called the school for me, and to keep an eye on Bella as she's grounded.

I can't hold back my smirk as i read that. Maybe that will snap her out of whatever dream world she thinks she's living in.

When i reach the stairs i see my dearest sister trying to go out. "You can't go out. You're grounded!"

Her head snaps to me and she glares. "What i do is none of your business." I grin. "If you set one foot outside the door i will call dad." That makes her stop and close the door. Her glare doesn't falter. "Why do you want to ruin my life?"

Now it's my turn to glare. "If anyone is ruining your life it's you." I walk into the kitchen and decide to make myself some breakfast. I ended up making bacon, eggs and toast and salad. I made enough to spare some for later. Bella trudged back up to her room mumbling angrily under her breath.

Time skip

After a few hours dad's car parked in the driveway. I smile as he comes into the kitchen. "Hi dad."

He smiled back. "Hi kiddo. How has your day been?" I close my homework. "It's been good, and don't worry, Bella haven't left the house."

He sits down. "Good to hear, i don't want her hanging out with the Cullen boy all the time."

He looks tired and worn out. I feel bad for him. After meeting Edward Bella's become worse than ever, not that she was that nice to begin with. The last months with constant nightmares, screaming and moping from Bella started tearing on us all and her last stunt didn't improve anything.

After a few hours of me doing homework i move my stuff back to my room. Talking can be heard from Bella's bedroom, there was a voice who answered so i doubt it was a phone. I try to ignore it and go to my room.

While i prepare for bed the phone lights up. I lay down i bed and take the phone.

Hello, did the flight go well?

I smile a little to myself.

It went well, how are you doing? Which one am i texting??

I'm fine. Oh, I'm sorry, it's Demitri. The Cullens haven't tried anything with you??

No, but my sister is probably plotting my demise right now 😂

That's an emoji right? How do you use those?

Uh, I'm not sure how to explain.. Go to the small picture with a smiley on it, that should open up for more emojis

Oh, i got it now, thanks 😁

No problem, can we talk more tomorrow after school? I need to get some sleep

Of course, we'll talk more tomorrow. Good night

I smile to myself as i put the phone under my pillow, a happy feeling in my stomach.

Time skip

The school seems to be in chock that Bella is back, and talking.

My best friend Amy gave me a look when i got to my locker. "I heard that your sister is back. How're you doing?"

I grab my books before we started walking to first period. "She's somehow more self centered than before."

She pats me on the back. "I guess she is back with her ex now that they are back?"

"Yep, dad isn't too happy about it."

Soon it's lunch and we join the rest of our friends in the cafeteria. Brooke chuckles. "Girl, you look like you ate a lemon."

I give him a halfhearted glare and he holds is hands up on a peace gesture. "I know we live in a small town, but we have to have other things to talk about in this school than my sister." The others laugh while i grumble.

Time skip (a few days)

It took three days, three freaking days, before the Cullens decided that the needed to talk to me. After they decided that they all tried to talk to me, except for Edward and Bella. The problem was that not one of them wouldn't take no for an answer, and it is starting to drive me crazy.

I decided to walk to and from school today since its fairly decent weather. The sun wasn't shining but it was warm when i left for school.

On the way home a car drove up beside me with Alice freaking Cullen in the driver seat. The window rolled down. "Can we talk?" She asked and i shook my head. "I don't want to talk to any of you, i want you to leave me alone."

"Please, if you still want us to leave you alone after then we will."

I grit my teeth. "Fine, but you better leave me the hell alone after. It's graduation soon and i don't want anything to do with any you." I open the door and get in the front seat.

Time skip

The Cullen house was massive as we parked outside. Alice used her super speed to open the door for me. I mumble a 'thank you' as i got out. She led the way to the door and went inside, me following behind her. Oh joy, this will be fun.....

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